新目标七年级下 Unit5 课时练习 Section A (1a-2d) 词组互译 1. kind of _________________ 2. my favorite animals _______________ 3. South Africa _______________ 4. walk on two legs_______________ 5. 来自 ____________________ 6. 整天___________________ 7. 欢迎到____________________ 8. 想做某事____________________ 单词拼写 1. ___________(熊猫) are cute. They live in China. 2. Penguins are __________(有趣的) animals. 3. __________(老虎) are kings of the forest. 4. Dolphins are very ________(聪明). They can learn something from people. 5. __________(长颈鹿) are animals with very long necks and legs. 6. ---____________(为什么) do you like panadas? ---______________(因为) they are very cute. 7. Don’t be noisy. My baby is ______________(睡觉). 8. I don’t like lions because they’re _________________(可怕的). 9. Lily is an ______________________(澳大利亚) girl. 10. Baotou is a ______________________(美丽的) city. 单项选择 ( )1. Let’s _______ your friend ________. A. see, one B. to see, first C. see, first D. sees, one ( )2. He wants ______ the _______ in the zoo near his home. A. see, panda B. see, elephant C. to see, sheeps D. to see, giraffes ( )3. ---Do they like ________? Yes, they _______. A. lion, do B. lion, are C. lions, do D. lions, does ( )4. There is _____ elephant in the zoo. _____ elephant is two years old. A. /, An B. an, The C. a, The D. an, / ( )5. Mr Wang is kind _____ us, but sometimes he is kind _____serious. A. to, of B. with, to C. of, to D. with, of ( )6. ---Where _____ you come from? ---I ______ from China. A. are, am B. do, am C. are, do D. do, do ( )7. Lions ________ from Africa. A. are also B. also too C. too are D. too also ( )8. Why ________ go to the zoo with us? A. don’t B. not you C. you don’t D. not ( )9. I like cats because they’re _______ interesting. A. a kind of B. kind of C. all kinds of D. a kind ( )10. Why do you want _______ to Shanghai this weekend? A. go B. goes C. to go D. going 选词填空 one, interest, sleep, south, kind, come, take, animal, African, beauty 1. Let’s see the pandas ________________. 2. His sister is very _________________. 3. We should regard ___________________ as our friends. 4. I am __________in this kind of _______________ animal. 5. Let’s ___________ a bus to work. 6. These elephants are from ____________, not Australia. 7. Tom ____________ from the UK. 8. This lazy pig ___________ all day. 9. Guangzhou is in the ____________ part of China. 10. These boys come from different __________ of countries. 用所给词组的适当形式填空 1. This koala ____________________(来自) Australia. 2. Don’t play football ___________________(整天). 3. I feel ________________(有点) tired after finishing the work. There are ___________________(各种) flowers in the garden. The old man ____________________(对。。和蔼) to the children. 4. We live in __________________(华北). 5. I ______________ (入睡) at one this morning. I don’t know when I ________________(睡着) last night. I usually __________________(睡觉) at eleven. 6. He can ________________(用两条腿走路). The boy can ____________________(倒立). 7. __________________(欢迎来) the zoo. 句型转换 1. A koala comes from A ustralia. (变否定句) A koala ________ ________ from Australia. 2. He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句) ________ he ________ dolphins very much? 3. The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the zoo? 4. I like Tom because he is very friendly. (对划线部分提问) ________ do ________ like Tom? 5. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ does the shy girl want to see? 6. Do you have lots of clever friends? (变陈述句) ________ ________ lots of clever friends.[来源:学科网][来源:学科网] 7. Pandas are from China. (同义句) Pandas _______ ________ China. 8. She doesn’t want bananas at all. (肯定句)She _______ bananas very ______.[ Section A (3a-3c) 词组互译 1. kind of interesting ____________ 2. like... a lot _______________ 3. really cool __________________ 4. 黑白相间 _______________ 单项选择 ( )1. ______ I’m hungry, _______ I have to buy some food. A. Because, so B. So, because C. Because, / D. So, / ( )2. ---Are there any animals in the zoo? ---_______. A. Yes, there are B. Yes, they are C. No, they aren’t D. No, there are ( )3. There are so many ______ on the farm. A. sheeps B. sheep C. duck D. chicken ( )4. ---What subject are you ______ in? ---Art. A. interesting B. interested C. good D. well ( )5. They sell many different ________ wine here. A. kinds of B. kind of C. sort of D. some of ( )6. ---Let’s go to the zoo. ---______. A. Thank you B. Sorry, I don’t have time C. No, I don’t D. I like dogs ( )7. Pandas are very shy. If you

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