中考真题训练——人物故事类阅读 1 .(2021•包头)When a group of firefighters saw an elderly woman in a wheelchair trying very hard to get to her door last week , they decided to spend their weekend building a walkway for her. An officer in Missouri said that their firefighters had been coming back from a call last week when they noticed an elderly woman trying to move her wheelchair across her front yard.It's not even(平坦的). "Many stairs and uneven pathway unfortunately led to the woman falling over in her wheelchair while trying to enter the house, " the fire department wrote. "Luckily,the patient was uninjured,but we saw a chance to help. " The group of firefighters later came back to the woman's home and spent their days off building a new walkway to her front door. "She now will have an even pathway to enter her home , " the fire department wrote. "A huge thank﹣you goes out to the members that spent their days off helping those in need. " Since the fire department posted photos of the firefighters at work on their website ,their post has been shared hundreds of times with social media users praising the men for their good turn. "That's what it's all about!Neighbors are helping neighbors.Job well done!" one user wrote , with another adding , "It was very kind of you firefighters to spend your free time helping someone in need.Thank you so much for the service that you do in saving people. " "Great to take care of those in need , " a user wrote. "What a nice gesture store on your days off.Thank you. " "I live in a community full of care too.You find it whenever people ask how you're doing because they care , not because they're getting paid to do so.I hope one could get encouragement when he/she meets something bad and maybe someone else will be inspired and do good things.That would be great, " a user wrote. (1)Why did these firefighters build the walkway?     A.Someone asked them to do so. B.They saw many elderly people fall over. C.The elderly woman was too old to do it herself. D.They wanted to do something to help those in need. (2)What does the underlined word "gesture" in paragraph 8 probably mean?     A.behavior. B.story. C.guest. D.culture. (3)Which of the following could best describe the firefighters?     A.Cheerful and smart. B.Intelligent and outgoing. C.Polite and independent. D.Warm﹣hearted and helpful. (4)What is the best title for the text?     A.Communication Counts B.The Pleasure of Giving C.Firefighters Build an Elderly Woman a Walkway D.Depend on Yourselves When Facing Difficulties 2 . ( 2021• 盘 锦 ) It was a cold , rainy day.My mother and I drove to the mountains.It was dangerous to make the two﹣hour journey along the highway in such weather.I didn't want to take the risk.But my mother advised that we go to see something at the top of the mountain. After ten minutes' driving , we stopped the car and got out.Walking along a path , we turned at a comer.Gradually ,the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.From the top of the mountain , I saw several fields full of flowers , shining like a carpet ( 地 毯)before us.It looked as if the sun spilled (播洒)gold down the mountain. A lot of questions came to my mind.Who created such beauty?Why?How? As we moved on,we saw a sign that read, "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking. " The first answer was, "One Woman 一 Two Hands,Two Feet,and Very Little Brain. " The second was, "One at a Time. " The third, "Started in 1971. " On our way home,I was so shocked by what we had seen. "She changed the world.One bulb (一株)at a time.She started almost 50 years ago.It was probably just the beginning of an idea,but she kept at it. " I said, "Imagine,if I had a dream and worked at it,just a little bit every day,what might I have achieved?" My mother looked at me,smiling. "Start tomorrow. " She said, " Better yet,start today. " (1)The writer didn't want to go to the mountains because    . A.she was tired of driving B.their car was running out of petrol (汽油) C.it was getting dark D.it was not safe to drive in such weather (2)The underlined word "path" shares a similar meaning with     . A.beach B.road C.bank D.village (3)The person in Picture     probably grew the flowers in the mountain. A. B. C. D. (4)The passage mainly tells us that    . A.beauty always lies on the top of the mountain B.even common people have great wisdom (智慧) C.sticking to a dream will bring a big change D.we should enjoy every moment in life 3.(2021•常德)My name is Alice Black.I am thirteen ye

doc文档 2022年中考真题训练——人物故事类阅读

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