Unit 6 Sunshine for all Welcome to the unit 一、根据句意和汉语提示, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词 1. My ________ (年长的) sister is two years older than me. 2. They shouted and waved their hands to ________ (支持) their favourite team. 3. What’s the ________ (意思) of this word? 4. Next week I will be ________ (能够) to drive my own car. 5. We should not look down on the ________ (残疾) . 6. My grandpa is ________ (聋) in both ears. You have to speak loudly to him. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I am sure you ________ (have) a great time at tomorrow s party. 2. I don’t think you ________ (support) the Olympics before. 3. —Where were you doing when the doorbell rang? —I ________ (train) . 4. It’s necessary ________ (support) charities. 5. He is training ________ (be) a volunteer for the Olympic Games. 6. I ________ (learn) to ride a bike when I was 6 years old. 7. My parents don’t agree ________ (let) me ________ (stay) out late. 三、单项选择 ( )1. —Would you please speak louder? My grandfather is a little ______ . —Sorry, I ______ . A. blind; do B. disabled; won’t C. deaf; will D. deaf; won’t ( )2. —What do you think of tomorrow’s football match? — ______ difficult for us ______ the match. A. We’re; to win B. We’ re; winning C. It’s; to win D. It’s; winning ( )3. —______ are you looking for, madam? I think everyone is here. —I don’t think so. Where is David? A. Who B. What C. When D. Where ( )4. —What do you think of the charity walk? —It is ______ one. I won’t miss such an activity next time. A. the most meaningful B. the least meaningful C. the most meaningless D. a more meaningful ( )5. We can ______ food and old clothes to the homeless people, and ______ books for the poor children. A. provide; give B. provide; offer C. offer; give D. give; provide ( )6. —Do you want to try some wild duck? —We should protect wild animals. A. No idea B. No problem C. No way D. No doubt 四、句子翻译 1. 我们都在盼望着尽快赢得比赛。 We are __________________ as soon as possible. 2. 帮助盲人是有意义的。 It’s __________________ . 2. 给当地政府写一封信如何? How about __________________ ? 4. 他们可以为无家可归的人提供特殊的住处。 They can __________________ to stay. 5. 工作的时候我需要吃更多的食物。 I need __________________ at work. 五、完形填空 Honesty pays off for homeless Boston man Donations of more than $68 000 have poured in from across the US for a Boston homeless man who returned a lost bag with $42 000 in it. Glen James reported to the police after he ___1___ the bag last weekend, and the bag was soon returned to its ___2___ . James's act inspired (激励) a complete stranger in Virginia to set up a fund (基金) to help him “change his life” after he read media (媒体) reports about James's ___3___ . The man, Ethan Whittington, now plans to meet Mr. James to give him the ___4___ . By midday on Wednesday, the online fund had brought in $68012 ___5___ 2698 people, many of whom left messages of praise for James, including “Such a beautiful person. Moved me to tears.” and “We have a lot to ___6___ you.” Ethan Whittington said he was tally touched by Mr. James s act so he decided to start the fund. He also said that he had begun talking with James on Tuesday on how the donated money would be used. “I just found James's story to be inspiring,” he said. “We've heard negative (负面的) news all the time. James gives ___7___ to people and lets them know not all things in the world are ___8___ .” “If we come together and work toward one thing, we can ___9___ make it happen.” Ethan Whittington added. Meanwhile, Mr. James, who told local media he is in his mid-50s and cannot ___10___ because of an inner-ear condition that affects his balance, has been living at a Boston area homeless shelter during the day. James said that he would not have kept “even a penny” of the money he had found in the bag- even if he was jobless and badly in need of money. ( )1. A. found ( )2. A. boss B. made C. lost B. secretary D. repaired C. owner ( )3. A. politeness B. honesty C. carefulness ( )4. A. bag ( )5. A. from ( )6. A. return to B. computer B. for C. talk with B. information C. hope ( )8. A. good B.bad ( )10. A. work C. true B. quickly D. money D. of ( )7. A. chance ( )9. A. suddenly D. beauty C. job C. with B. hear from D. neighbour C. carefully B. breathe C. climb D. know about D. advice D. sad D. surely D. skate 六、阅读理解 Phyllis Pearsall was born in Britain in 1907. She stayed there until she left school. Then she traveled around France. She made money by painting pictures and writing for a newspaper in Paris. In the 1930s she returned to London. She worked for her father's

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