Module 8 Story time Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house . r e e l i t t l e p iSgnso w W h i t e dilocks and the Three Be What did Goldilocks do ? picked some flowers was lost and looked around her noticed a little house knocked on the door pushed the door was hungry looked at three bowls finished all the food Let’s retell: once upon a time, first…next/ then… finally picked some flowers was lost and looked around her noticed a little house knocked on the door pushed the door was hungry looked at three bowls finished all the food Can you guess :What happened next? I think/ Perhaps/ Maybe Goldilocks decided to go home. 呜呜呜…… 起初 大声喊 指着 At first, Baby Bear pointed at his mother and his fathe r and shouted “I don’t like you, I don’t like my fathe 破碎 he 回来 r either.” Then he made a toy in pieces. Why did t his ? Because he wanted to have a new bowl, a new 也不a new bed, but when his mother returned 跳 h chair and ome without anything in herWant hands, to he do jumped and c ried for a long time.没有 哭 tired and he was asleep. Finally , he was 睡着的 At first , Baby Bear pointed at his mother and his fat her and “I don’t like you, I don’t like my f shouted either in pieces ather .” Then he made a toy . Wh y he did this ? Because he wanted have to a new bo wl, a new chair and a new bed, but when his mother without in her hands, he home anything returned and jumped for a long criedtime. Finally , he was tired and he was asleep. Describe the pictures with the verbs A C B D E Read and number the pictures in the correct order. A B 4 2 C D 5 E 1 3 Check (√) the true sentences 1.Goldilocks liked the big chair. 2.Goldilocks liked the small bed. √ 3.Baby Bear looked in the bedroom. √ 4.The Three Bears were happy to see Goldilocks. 5.Goldilocks didn’t like the Three Bears. √ Baby Bear cried, “ There’s nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces.” He shouted, “ Look ! There’s the bad girl.” asleep either piece point return shout without Goldilocks tried the three chairs and liked the small chair, but she was very heavy and the small chair was in pieces . She walked into the bedroom. She tried the middle bed, bu t it wasn’t comfortable and the big bed wasn’t comfortable .Veryeither soon she was in theasleep small bed. Then the Three Bears to their house. They walked up to their bedroom.returne Baby Bear at Goldilocks and , “ That’s finished my food and…lo d her ! She pointed ok at my chair !”shouted Goldilocks jumped up and hurried out of the house her basket. without Group work: Retell the story sat on the small chair cried ,in pieces returned to their house was asleep /pointed at hurried/ without Writing 1.First, she tried the big chair . 2.Then she tried the middle chair. 3.Finally, she tried the small chair. 要求: 1. 必须用到下面的四个词描述 2. 用一般过去时描述 First (首先) … Next /Then (然后)… Finally (最后)… homework 假如你是 Baby Bear ,请你用第一人称 讲述这一天发生的事。 提示词: first , then ,finally, in pieces , ret urned, without 等 字数: 60 词左右 That day, I returned to my house with my fa ther and my mother and I… Congratulations I hope you can do much better. Loving reading and enjoy reading

ppt文档 Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house 课件 2021-2022学年外研版英语七年级下册

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