第二部分 读后续写 01 素材篇 主题一 人物描写 类型 1 外貌与性格描写 【高分词块】 外貌 smartly/ neatly dressed 衣着光鲜/衣着整洁 have a slim/slender figure 身材苗条 well-shaped body 体形匀称 be of medium weight 不胖不瘦 look pale and thin 看起来面黄肌瘦 curly,/wavy hair 卷发 thin/long/square face 瘦脸/长脸/方脸 high forehead 高额头 a pair of sharp eyes 一双敏锐的眼睛 watery/swollen eyes 水汪汪的/肿胀的眼睛 bushy/thin eyebrows 浓眉/细眉 thin/thick lips 薄/厚嘴唇 a pointed chin 尖下巴 性格 stubborn pride 死要面子 light-hearted and optimistic 无忧无虑的、乐观的 be both wise and diligent 既聪明又勤勉 be enthusiastic about.. 热衷于…… be honest and reliable 诚实可靠 be modest about... 对……谦虚 be sensitive about... 对…敏感 be considerate of... 对……考虑周到 be pessimistic about... 对………感到悲观 a well-mannered and considerate man 一个举止文雅、体贴的男子 【精彩好句】 1. My dad is a tall and handsome middle-aged man with big eyes and a pretty Roman nose. 我的爸爸是位又高又帅的中年人,他长着大大的眼睛和漂亮的高鼻梁。 2. A young woman was coming toward me,her figure long and slim,and her golden hair lying back in curls from her delicate ears. 一位年轻女士向我走来,她身材颀长纤细,一头卷曲的金发散在秀美的耳后。 3. Her round face became pale.and her gray eyes had a warm and kind glow .她的圆脸变得苍白,灰色的眼睛透射出热情与善良。 4. When she heard this,she jumped back as if she had been stung,and the blood rushed to her wrinkled face. 当她听到这话时,她往后一跳,好像被什么东西刺到了似的,那张布满皱纹的脸涨得通红。 5. Though she's already in her mid-40s,she looks much younger for her age. 虽然她已经 40 多岁了,但她看起来比实际年龄要年轻得多。 6. She is more patient and neater than I have ever been. 她比我有耐心,比我整洁。 7. Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile. 令人难忘的是她那闪烁着钻石般光芒的眼睛以及沉稳的微笑。 【文段赏读】 This boy was well dressed,too.This was simply astounding.His cap was a dainty thing,his closebuttoned blue jacket was new and natty,and so were his pants.He had shoes on.He even wore a bright tie.He had a citified air that made Tom uncomfortable. 这个男孩子穿得也很讲究。这筒直令人震惊。他的帽子很精致,蓝色的短上衣扣得紧紧的, 又新又整洁,他的裤子也是如此。他还穿着鞋,甚至还系了一条颜色鲜艳的领带。他有一种城 里人的气派,这使汤姆感到很难受。 类型 2 动作描写 脸部动作 【高分词块】 wear sweet smiles on one's face 面带甜甜的微笑 be all smiles 笑容满面 one's face paled with fright 某人的脸吓白了 pull a long face 愁眉苦脸 have a slight frown on one's face 微微皱眉 with tears welling up in one's eyes 热泪盈眶 with tears streaming down one's face/cheeks 眼泪顺着某人的脸颊滑落下来 one's face flushed/burned with embarrassment/shame 某人窘迫/羞愧得满脸通红 【精彩好句】 1. He managed a faint smile. 他勉强挤出一丝微笑。 2. A broad smile spread over Lucy's face. 露西的脸上绽开了灿烂的笑容。 3. At first she was silent,and then she gave a nervous laugh. 起初她沉默不语,后来紧张地笑了笑。 4. She began to sob again,burying her face in the pillow. 她把脸埋在枕头里,又开始抽噎起来。 5. Her face lit up./brightened when I gave her the present. 我给她礼物时,她的脸上露出了喜色。 眼部动作 【高分词块】 catch a glimpse of 瞥一眼……. with one's eyes fixed on 某人的目光紧盯着…… raise/lift one's eyes 抬起头来 one's eyes open in surprise 吃惊地睁大眼睛 stare into one's eyes 注视某人的眼睛 be about to cry/be close to tears 马上就要哭了 with tears glistening in eyes 眼里闪着泪光 can hardly keep back tears 忍不住落泪 look sb.in the eye 直视某人 one's eyes fall on/upon 某人的目光落在…… one's eyes shine with excitement 某人眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒 【精彩好句】 1. Tamara stared at him in disbelief,shaking her head. 塔玛拉摇着头,不相信地盯着他看。 2. Singing happily,she gazed at her surroundings with large,innocent eyes. 她快乐地唱着歌,一双天真的大眼睛凝视着周围的环境。 3. She looked at her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully. 她直视着他父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。 4. Her eyes fell on the photo of her and me at my fourth birthday party. 她的目光落在了我四岁生日派对上她和我的照片上。 嘴部动作 【高分词块】 cry out 大叫 speak to oneself 自言自语 grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴 blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛 shout at the top of one’s voice 高声地喊叫 with one's mouth wide open 张大着嘴巴 【精彩好句】 1. She uttered a cry of joy. 她高兴地叫了一声。 2. He howled like a wounded animal. 他像受伤的动物一样嚎叫。 3. They let out a surprisingly loud voice. 他们发出了惊人响亮的声音。 4. My teammates were all screaming as I dashed toward the finish line. 当我冲向终点线时,我的队友们都在尖叫。 5. The house got really noisy at that time,with everybody hollering and shouting at the top of his voice. 那时候房子里非常吵,每个人都在大喊大叫。 头部动作 【高分词块】 drop/lower/bend/bow one's head 低下头 nod one's head 点头 shake one's head 摇头 scratch one's head 挠头 rest one’s head on 把头靠在……上 bury one's head in.. 把头埋进… feel one's head spinning 觉得天旋地转 hold one's head 抱住头 raise one's head 抬起头 put one's heads together 集思广益 bury/hide one's head in the sand 逃避现实 hold one's head high 昂首挺胸 【精彩好句】 1. She bobbed her head nervously. 她紧张地不断点头。 2. I decided to go for a walk o clear my head. 我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。 3. She bumped her head against a low branch .她的头撞到一根低矮的树枝上。 4. His head drooped and tears[onto his lap. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。 5. She lay on the grass,her he

doc文档 第二部分 读后续写 01 素材篇--主题01 人物描写 备战2022年新教材新高考英语写作新题型三合一解读+训练(高考专用)

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