Unit 6 • In November 1979, pupils in England wer called to 1 ______ (watch) a new TV program 2__ were watch Monkey _______(hear)this for . Most of them hearing _3.__the first time. However, this story is n new to Chinese children. The Monkey King Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditio 3__________ ( tradition) Chinese book Jo nal to the West . The Monkey King is not just like normal monkey. In fact, he sometimes do turning into even look4 __ a monkey! This is becau changes if But 7_______ he cannot hide his tail, he canno To 8 urn himself into a person. fight bad peop , the thatstick. Sometimes he Monkey King uses a magic other an has make the stick so small 9 _ he can keep it excited his ear. At 10. _______ times, in he is able to make it big nd the king 10 never long. The Monkey ____ (excite) the fighting hildren of China many years. And as soon as th TV program came out more than 30 years ago, estern children became interested 11 read Unit 7 Qomolangma—the Most Dangerous Mountain in he World? One of the world’s 1 ___________ most ___ (dangerous) sportsdangerous is mountain climbing, a d one of places alongfor this is th the most popular2.________(place) Himalayas. The Himalayas run 3 _ the southw all stern parthighest of China. Of 4____ the mountains, Q molangma rises the 5.______(high) and is the m climb stto famous. It is 8,844.43 meters high and so i ery dangerous 6_________(climb). Thick clouds can fall over the topinclude and snow7.________(fall) very hard Even more serious difficulties 8 ____ (inc de) freezing as conditions and heavy storm in weather The first people _______ (reach) to1reach the top were Tenzing Norgayon and Edmund Hillary 2 ___ May 29,1953. toteam succeed The first Chinese did so in 1960, while the first woman to3 ___ ______ (success) was Junko Tabei from Japan climbers in 1975. Why do so many to 4 ______ (climb) of riskchallenge their lives? One of the main reasons us is because people want 5 ___ (challenge) themselves trying in the face 6____difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows 7____(we) that stronger we should never give up8_______ (try) to achieve our dreams. It also shows It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Bas keepers e. Lin Wei and the other panda 1 ____ (k for eep) are preparing the milk 2 the baby p andas’ breakfast. At 9:00 a.m., they find that awake most of the babies are already 3_____ excitemen over (wake) and hungry. When the babies see the into keepers, they run ______with 4 ____ _______ them (excite) and some of them even walk 5____ their friends and fall over! with to “They’re so cute and lovely. I take care of 6 (they) like they’re my own babies. I wash, feed and play 7______ them every day. They’r every e very special 8 ____ me.” Lin Wei loves her j illnesse ob, but it is a difficult one. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating(eat) about 10 kilos of bamboo. Man 1____ y years ago, there were a lot more bamboo for ests and pandas in China, but then humans st arted to cut down 2 fewer ___ the forests. Scientists living say there are now so 3 ___ __ (few) than 2,000 pandas countri 4 ___ (live) in the remaining forests. Anotherteache 300 or 5____live in zoos or research centers in China and other 6_______ (country). An education to program in Chengdu 7 __ ___ (teach) aboutchildr endangered saving en in cities about pandas and other 8________ • The children sing songs or make artwork abo Teaching ut pandas and other wild animals. 1_______ __ (teach) children is one way to help save p andas. The Chinese government is also 2 _ planting __ ____ (plant) more bamboo trees so ther e will be more forests in for pandas to live 3 . We all hopewill that be in the future there 4 _ ____ (be) a lot more pandas than now. Unit 8 arrived When I first 1________this island, I had nothin have found But I2____________(find) the ship and made a have small boat. I3______________(bring) back man knives brought things I can use— food and drink, tools,4 ____ fe) won’t give and guns. Although I have lost everything, I ha with built lost my life. So I5 __________(not give) up and for to grow wait for another ship. I have already cut down and 6______(build) a house. I go out7 _______ gun almost every day to kill animals and birds found A few weeks ago, I1_______( find) the ma feet another man’s 2______(foot )on the sand else saw is on my island? How long have they be trying Not long after that, diedI 3_____(see) some C 4__________( try) to kil

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