2021 年四川成都卷 你校英文校刊就 “过度养育 ”(Overparenting)这一现象开辟专栏,展开讨论。 请 以“overparenting: Yes or No”为题写一篇短文,向该栏目投稿。 要求: 1.简述该现象; 2.陈述图表中不同观点及理由; 3.表述你的观点及两点理由(须与图中不同)。 注意: 1.请先在答题卡上填写表中空格; 2.须全面反映图表信息,但不能完全照抄; 3.文中不能出现真实的学校和姓名; 4.词数:100 左右。 1. 试题解读 本书面表达要求考生根据图中信息写一篇对“过度养育”发表观点的议论文。该 话题是考生们非常感兴趣的,也很熟悉。因为是议论文体裁,所以时态应以一般现 在时为主,人称以第一和第三人称为主。结构以三段式为宜,要清晰地展现不同人 物的观点和理由。 2. 写作要点 (1)表明不同家长对“过度养育”的观点。 (2)表明不同学生对“过度养育”的观点。 (3)阐述自己对这一现象的观点及理由。 3.可用素材 (1)词汇 have difficulty in doing sth., be good for, agree with, have a bad effect on, contribute to, be used to doing..., be bad for, take care of (2)句式 As far as I'm concerned, I don't like overparenting, which is because I not only want to challenge myself but also hope to have my own time to do what I like. They enjoy getting help from parents when having difficulty in Studying, which is helpful to improve their results. It can be seen from the picture that different people have different voices about overparenting. However, other parents are not in favor of overparenting, which they think it is bad for kids'growth. 4.注意事项 (1)注意使用恰当的衔接词,以增加行文的流畅性。 (2)自己的观点一定要明确,且理由要充分。 满分文展示 1 Overparenting: Yes or No When it comes to overparenting, ① different people have different opinions. Some parents think it is OK to help kids to do chores or some homework, because kids are too busy②. However, other parents are against overparenting. They think it isn't good for their growth. About kids, they enjoy getting help from parents when having difficulty in studying, which is helpful to improve their results. ③ But they also think they lose chances to challenge themselves. In my opinion, I don't agree with overparenting④. First, overparenting has a bad effect on my growth.Second, I expect to learn to take care of myself as soon as possible to reduce the parents’ burden. ⑤ ① 句式 when it comes to 位于篇首,自然引出文章的主题。 ② 句中 it 为形式主语,不短语为真正的主语,because 引导原因状语从句。 ③ when doing…构成时间从句的省略句, which 引导非限制性定语从句,表达 准确,足以展示作者深厚的写作功底。 ④ 使用 in one's opinion 引出自己的观点, 短语 agree with 的使用恰当。 ⑤ 句中 take care of, as soon as possible 的使用表明作者词汇量丰富。 满分揭秘 本文结构清晰,观点明确,理由论述全面。从写作手法上看,作者运用了多 种句法结构,包括 it 作形式主语、because 引导的原因状语从句、when 引导的省 略句、which 引导的非限制性定语从句等,为文章增加了亮点。同时,过渡语 however,but,first,second 等的使用使文章浑然一体。结尾作者用一句话表明了 自己的观点,简洁明快,且理由充分。 满分文展示 2 Overparenting: Yes or No It can be seen from the picture that① different people have different voices about overparenting. Some parents are used to looking after their kids too much.② They think it’s OK to do chores or some homework for their kids, because their kids are too busy learning. However, other parents are not in favor of overparenting, which they think is bad for kids’ growth.③ As for kids, most of them like getting help from parents,especially in study,because they can get good results. ④Meanwhile, they know they may lose chances to challenge themselves. I think overparenting has a bad effect on my growth. If many things are done by parents,⑤ I can't learn some life skills for future. Besides, solving problems by myself can contribute to my healthy growth. 批注:①该句中 it 为形式主语, that 从句为真正的主语,位于开篇,展示出作 者的自信。 ② 该句虽为简单句,却明确地表明了一些家长的观点,句中使用了 be used to doing…和 look after, 展示作者充足的词汇量。 ③ which 引导非限制性定语从句, 指代上文的 overparent - ing, 短语 be bad for 意为“对…有坏处”。 ④ because 引导原因状语从句,解释说明孩子们喜欢得到父母帮助的原因。 ⑤ if 引导条件状语从句,增加了句式表达的多样性。 满分揭秘 该习作要点齐全,表达连贯,句式多样,作者熟练使用了多个高级词汇和句 式,包括 it 作形式主语、that 引导的主语从句、because 和 if 引导的状语从 句、which 引导的非限制性定语从句、动名词作主语,这些语句的准确运用丰富了 文章内容;另外 however, especially, meanwhile, besides 等过渡词的使用, 使全文结 构紧凑、衔接自然。 标准范文 Overparenting: Yes or No Overparenting is common. However, different people have different voices about it. On the one hand, some parents believe it 3 0K them to do chores or some homework for their children, because kids are too busy. On the other hand, some parens always let their kids solve the problems by themselves. In their opinions, overparenting isn't good for their growth. Kids have their own voices. Some kids hope to get help from parents when coming across difficuly in learning, because they can get good results, but they will lose chances to challenge themselves. As far as I'm concerned, I don't like overparenting, which is because I not only want to challenge myself but also hope to have my own time to do what I like.

doc文档 2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文

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2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文  第 1 页 2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文  第 2 页 2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文  第 3 页 2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文  第 4 页 2021年四川省成都中考英语作文真题讲解及范文  第 5 页
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