学 科 教学目标 教学重难点 英语 课题名 7A Unit6(一)新课预习 称 掌握基础的单词、短语和句型 灵活运用所学知识 【温故知新】 【知识梳理】 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit 知识点 1.And hamburgers are not good for us. (P. 68) It’s good for our health. 它对我们的健康有好处。  be good for 意为“对……有利”,反义词是 be bad for“对……有害”。 Eating more vegetables is good for our health. Smoking is bad for our health. 【拓展】be good 的相关短语:be good at 擅长 be good to 对……友好 例题:1.I think drinking milk is good _________ our health. A.for B. to C. with D.at 2.The chemicals in the vegetables and fruit are bad _________ our health. A. from B. with C. of D. for  “健康”名词形式:__________ 形容词:_________(反__________) 副词:__________ 保持健康:keep healthy =stay healthy Eg:多运动对我们保持健康很重要。 __________________________________________________________________. 知识点 2:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (P. 68) ① keep … away 使。。。远离 (keep +sth+adj.) ________________________________(使...)离...远点(保持距离) Eg: We students should keep away from the bad habits. ② 拓展: 让某人一直做某事______________________ Eg: As parents , we shouldn’t keep the students doing homework all the weekends. We should let them have more free time to enjoy the open air. 回顾:对于“keep”这个词你还能想到哪些知识点?________________________________  例题: (1) Mom makes me eat an apple every day ________ the doctor away. A. keeps B. is kept C. to keep D. kept (2) ---You look so healthy! ---Yeah, I like eating apples. An apple a day keeps the _______ away. A. teacher B. worker C. farmer D. doctor (3) ---What's your favourite fruit? ---Apples. You know, _______ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 知识点 3:Do you like fish? (P. 69) fish 既可以用作可数名词也可以用作不可数名词, 用作可数名词时,表示“鱼的条数”时,单数和复数形式相同,如:two fish 两条鱼; 指“鱼的种类”时复数形式为 fishes,如:two fishes 两种鱼。 用作不可数名词时,意为“鱼肉”。 Help yourself to some fish. Do you like eating fish and vegetables? There are a lot of fish in the pool. Reading 知识点 1.I dance for half an hour every day. (P. 70)  for + 一段时间为常用结构,用来表示一个动作持续一段时间, 对这个结构提问用________ __ ① Kitty dances for two hours every day. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ __________ Kitty dance every day? ② 她每天早上锻炼半小时。 She does exercise _______ ______ _____ ______ every morning. 知识点 2. Healthy food is important for me. (P. 70)  be important for 意为“对……很重要”。 例句:你认为手机对现代的人们重要么? Do you think cell phones ____________________________________________ modern people? 知识点 3. I need to keep fit. (P. 70)  need 此处用作实义动词,意为“需要” need sth (名词或代词) eg: We need a lot of water every day. need to do sth. need sb to do sth eg:I need to exercise every morning. eg:I need her to help me.  keep fit 意为“保持健康”,相当于 keep healthy。 例题:Doing more exercise ______ you keep ______. A. help; fit B. helps; healthy C. help; health D. helps; fitter 知识点 4.I always have milk and bread for breakfast. (P. 70)  have...for breakfast/lunch/dinner 意为“早饭/中饭/晚饭吃……”。 例句:I usually have an egg and some bread breakfast. 知识点 5. Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear.  feel hungry 的结构及含义:系表结构, 感到饥饿。  between:在……(两者) 之间, between meals 的含义为:两餐之间  典型题练习: (1) He said he would come to see us _________the next afternoon. A. sometime B. sometime C. sometimes D. sometimes (2) ---What do you often do _______ classes to relax yourselves? (2013 襄阳中考) ---We often do eye exercises, listen to music or do some running around the school. A. in B. among C. between D. through (3)你有时候会在两餐之间感到饿吗? Do you ____________________________ sometimes? 知识点 6. They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth.  ①too much 通常放于动词后或修饰不可数名词, 如:He worries too much.他太多虑了。He watches too much TV. 他电视看的太多。 ② 区分 too much 和 much too:“too much”的含义为“much”, “much too”的含义为“too”。  请注意学习词组 be bad for 的含义:对……不利, 对……有害;  典型题练习: (1) He eats food, so he is _________ fat. A. much too; too much B. much too; too many C. too much; much too D. too much; many too (2) Ride slowly, please. There is ______ traffic at this time of day. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too (3) Tell him not to eat ________. It's bad for his health. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too (4) Today, _______ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world. A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many 知识点 7.I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. ① “plan”作为动词,意为“计划,打算”,计划做某事:_______________________ Eg: 他们正在计划本周六和我们一起出去野餐。 They____________________________________________________ this Sunday now. ② “plan”作为名词,以为“计划,规划”,可数名词,“...的计划”:plan for sth. Eg: 对于即将到来的新年你有什么计划吗? ________________________________________________? 【课堂练习】 一、词

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