Welcome! UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION REACHING OUT ACROSS THE SEA Activity 1 Do you know any stories about sea voyages? Share your story with a partner. Activity 1 Do you know any stories about sea voyages? Share your story with a partner. Navigator ( 领 航 员 ) : Zheng He _____________________ Chinese Nationality: ____________________ Time: _____________________ 1405-1433 Achievement: made seven voyages to the Western Seas; ___________________________________ his voyages are one of the world ___________________________________ navigation feats ( 航行壮举 )in history ___________________________________ Activity 1 Do you know any stories about sea voyages? Share your story with a partner. Christopher Columbus Navigator: _____________________ Italian Nationality: ____________________ Time: _____________________ 1451-1506 Achievement: discovered a new world ___________________________________ Activity 1 Do you know any stories about sea voyages? Share your story with a partner. Ferdinand Magellan Navigator: _____________________ Portuguese Nationality: ____________________ Time: _____________________ 1480-1521 Achievement: made the first voyage around the world ___________________________________ Name: Marco Polo (1254-1324) Nationality: Italy Achievement: The Travels of Marco Polo a book that described to Europeans the mysterious culture and inner workings of the Eastern world. There are four major types of essay: narrative, descriptive, expository 说明文 , and argumentative 议论 [ɪk 文. ˈspɒzɪtərɪ] A narrative essay is a story with a beginning, middle, and end. A descriptive essay describes a subject and lists interesting details. An expository essay is factual, giving information on a subject. An argumentative essay aims to convince the reader. What type of essay it is? Activity 3 Read the passage again and match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1   A.The future of China to reach out across the sea. Para.2 B.The meaning of trade and curiosity. Para.3 C.The ancient Silk Road. Para.4 D.The Ming Dynasty’s relations with some regions. Para.5 E.The ancient sea routes revisited. Para.6 F.The aim of the Belt and Road Initiative. Para.7 G.The other Chinese important projects. Para.2 overland Silk Road Rome the Middle East Xi’an India the mouth of the Red Sea was extended along the coasts of... Ceylon the east coast of Africa centred around ... the Indian Ocean 11 班讲到此 Para.3 Under the command of Zheng He • seven large fleets 7 个巨大的舰队 • a sight to behold 壮观的景象 • in a league of their own at that time 在那时独领风骚 route: They set sail from... across... to ...and then to... the mouth of the Red Sea the South China Sea the Indian Ocean the east coast of Africa gold 黄金 silk 丝绸 spices 香料 African royal families 皇室成员 sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold,silk and spices. giraffe the Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路行动 • aim: • 1. encourage co operation and tr ade • 2. strengthen th e bonds betwee n China and the rest of the word. a has invested 已投资 billions in systems and services g these routes. build ports for other countries. dig wells for Africans build roads build railways provide medical care and energy equipment There are still many other places to explor e. • several expeditions to explore the Arctic 北极 . Activity 4 Read the text again. Consider how the passage is developed. How is the passage developed? time sequence process problem and solution compare and contrast cause and effect definition and description Time in ancient times in the 8th century in Ming Dynasty today in the future Activity 4 Scan the text and fill in the table with the correct names. Name Description The name of the trade route between China and the Silk Road the West African royal Its kings sent gifts such as giraffes to China families the Arctic An area currently being explored for scientific reasons Rome A destination of silk and a major European capital Name Description Sri Lanka The modern country name for Ceylon the Ming Dynasty The historical period when China expanded maritime exploration to other regions Du Huan The author of Record of My Travels Zheng He The commander of the seven fleets Marco Polo The person who wrote stories that inspired European explorers

ppt文档 Unit 3 Reading and Thinking 课件 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版选择性必修第四册

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