Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B (2a-2e) Do you remember what you were doing? We never know which one comes first, tomorrow or an accident? Let’s look back! What accidents happened in history? Do you know the man? And who was the man in the picture? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Warming-up He is one of the most famous people in America. He was a preacher (牧师) and he tried to fight for the civil rights (人 权) of African Americans. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for his grassroots effort (草根一族的努 力) . He was a great public speaker. He was known for his famous speech “I have a dream”. Do you know the building? and what is the name? The World Trade Center Warming-up On September 11th, 2001, terrorists (恐怖分子) hijacked (劫持) four passenger jetliners in the United States. They flew two into the World Trade Center in New York City, causing the 110-story twin towers to collapse (倒塌) . Another plowed into (大力撞击) the Pentagon (五角大楼) and a fourth crashed (坠毁) in a field. In all, nearly 3000 people Pre-reading------Read Pre-reading------Read for for background background information information What do you think the passage is about?It is about two events. While-reading------Read While-reading------Read for for detailed detailed information information were doing when important Many people remember what they _________ When the what people events happened. first event victims Para. 1&2 happened in America, were doing and thinking. 受害者 When: th April 4 _________, Who: Robert Allen _________ Who: Dr. Martin _________ What: _________ was eating dinner at home What: was killed _________ How : completely shocked and _________ 1968 Luther King others 其他人 finished the dinner in silence While-reading------Read While-reading------Read for for detailed detailed information information were doing when important Most Americans remember what they _________ When the what people events happened. second event victims Para. 3&4 happened in America, When: September _________ 11th, 2001 Where: In_________ New York What: The World Trade Center was _________ taken down by terrorists. were doing and thinking 牺牲品 Who: Kate Smith witnesse _________ 见证者 What: was working in her office _________ near the two towers How : so scared that she could _________ hardly think clearly Important events in American history what they were doing when People often remember ___________________ they heard the news of important events in history. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martinkilled Luther King was ______. •Robert Allen was a school pupil __________ at that time. eating dinner •He was ___________ with his parents in the kitchen when they heard the news on the radio. completely •His parentsshocked were ________________ and kept silent after that. What people were doing On September 11th, 2001, World Trade wasThe taken down Center _______________ by terrorists. •Kate Smith was working _______ in her office near the two towers. a plane hit shouted the World •Her friend that Trade Center ______________________ _____________, but she didn’t believe him at first. true When she looked out of scared she realized the window, it was ______. She was Finish the mind map. 2c Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given (NG)? F 1. Everyone __ Some people in America remembers who killed Dr. King. F 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch __ dinner when Dr. King was killed. T __ 3. Robert’s parents were shocked to hear the news. __ movie when a plane working inaoffice F 4. Kate Smith was watching hit the World Trade Center. T 5. Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the truth __ about the event. 2d Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below. Although people may remember who 1. Not everyone willsome remember whonotkilled remember whatthey they were doing him, butkilled they him, can they remember what when they they heard heard the news. were doing when that he got killed.My parents did not talk after that, and we finished 2. No one anything forinthe rest of thesaid rest of our dinner silence. dinner.Even the date-September 11th, 2001 – has meaning 3. September 2001 -- the date alone to most11, Americans. means something to most in thethink US.clearly after I was so scared that Ipeople could hardly 4. I had trouble that. thinking clearly after that While-reading------Read While-reading------Read for for specific spec

ppt文档 Unit 5 Section B (2a-2e)课件 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册

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