8B U7 月考复习 词汇运用 一、词汇拓展及专练 1. interviewer (n. )___________(n.)被采访者__________(v.)采访 2. blindness (n.) ____________(adj.)盲的,瞎的__________(adj.)耳聋的,失聪的 3. patient (n. )____________(n.)耐心___________(adj.)耐心的__________(adv.)耐心地 4. proud (adj.)___________(adj.)自豪地,骄傲地_________(n.)自豪,骄傲 5. reader (n. )_____________(v.)阅读 _________ (n.) 阅读 6. medicine (n. ) ___________(adj.) 医学的,医疗的___________(n.)医生______(n. )护士 7. develop ( vi.&vt.)__________(n.)发展_____________(adj.)发达的_________(adj.) 发展中的 8. treat (vt.)_____________(n.)治疗____________(v.)(同义词)治愈 9. officer (n.) __________(adj.)官方的,政府的_____________(n.)办公室 二、词汇专练 1. The Internet makes the (传播)of information become quicker and quicker. 2. There are many beautiful flowers in our school, (尤其)in April and May. 3. Modern medicine is developing so quickly that most eye problems and diseases can be___. (make an illness go away). 4. Dr Wang has (cut a person’s body open to take out or repair)on three people with arm problems since 6 a.m. 5. The weather suddenly became very cold, so there were many ( people who are ill, especially in hospital)in that hospital. 6. As a Chinese, I am very _________(自豪的) of the prosperity(繁荣) of our motherland. 7. I haven't saved enough money, so I can't ______________ to go abroad this summer. 8. She had a_________ (检查) on the guest list again and again to make sure of the number of people in the party. 9. Please ask the ___________ (秘书) to my office. I have something important to tell them. 10. I think everyone should have the right to receive good (教育). 11. Please pass me the _________ (采访者) names to me .I want to know about them. 12. Chinese people hope to get better _____________ (医疗的) treatment in the near future. 13.Many children can’t go to school, __________(mainly )in mountain areas . 14. The course covers many topics, ____________ the knowledge of English grammar.(包括) 15. Thank you for ________ (动手术)on them on the phone. 16. Most _______ (illness)can be cured by those doctors. 17. The doctors didn’t know what caused the old man’s (失明). 18. He says his country wants to ________________ (发展) its friendship with China. 19. In some countries, black people don’t have the same       (权利) as whites. 20. We should treat everyone _______.(平等地) 21. You look pale, what’s the ________? 22. We all think 23. We is a good magazine.(读者) (组织)a charity show to raise money for poor children last month. 24. A talk on good manners was (举行)last week. 25. We are proud that China has the ability and power to fight (对抗)America in the trade war between China and the US. 词汇专练答案: 1. spread 2. especially 3. cured 4. operated 5. patients 6. proud 7. afford 8. check 9. secretary 10. education 11. interviewer 12. medical 13. mostly 14. including 15. operating 16. diseases 17. blindness 18. develop 19. right 20. equally 21. matter 22. Readers 23. organized 24. held 25. against

doc文档 Unit7 词汇练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册

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Unit7 词汇练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 1 页 Unit7 词汇练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 2 页 Unit7 词汇练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 3 页
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