2021-2022 年牛津译林版英语江苏常州中考综合填空练习四 (一) Weeks before Tomb Sweeping Day on April 4 this year, hundreds of qingtuan were sold each day. The snack was still (1) __________ (like) by many people. In the southern part of China, (2) __________ (eat) qingtuan at the beginning of spring is an old tradition. Chinese people started to eat it more than 2 000 years ago. It (3) __________ (make) of sticky rice(糯米) and red bean paste(红豆沙), and is famous 4. (1) __________ its softness and sweetness. The secret behind its mouth-watering taste is one of its materials-mugwort leaves(艾蒿 叶). People in Zhejiang Province (5) __________ (usual) put qingtuan on the tombs( 墓 地 ) of their dead family members (6) __________ (remember) the past memory. Making qingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home. It usually (7) __________ (take) time and effort to make the snack. Now, qingtuan has spread its special taste to the (8) __________ (north) part of China. Li Yuan, a 30-year-old engineer who grew up in Zhejiang Province, brought qingtuan back to Beijing where he works. (9) __________ there is warm weather and green (10) __________ (leaf) in spring, the season wouldn't be complete without a taste of qingtuan. (二) 5G is used in many fields. And later, 5G technology could (1) __________ (certain) make health care available(可获得的)to all. Telehealth (2) __________ (mean) caring for patients from far away when the doctor and patient are not in the same place. One form of this is the video meeting with a doctor in real time, similar to a WeChat video call. With 5G, health care systems could have (3) __________ large number of video meetings. It will also give older people or those in the countryside an easier way (4) __________ (see) a doctor. Another part of telehealth is remote monitoring(远程监控). It could watch (5) __________ (patient) at their own homes. Then it sends information to hospitals in real time using 5G. Hospitals can give even (6) __________ (much) treatments, as well as cut the costs. There are also many other uses of 5G tech in medicine. One of (7) __________ (they) is remote surgery( 手 术 ). In 2019, China (8) __________ (do) its first 5G- based brain surgery in Sanya, Hainan, (9) __________ the patient was in Beijing. (10) __________ the near future, changes to health care might not be very huge. However, the arrival of 5G means a world of robot operations and home health care may take place. (三) What will you look like when you grow old? It seems too far away (1) _________ (imagine), but an app named FaceApp tries showing you your older self. Finished by a small team from Russia, FaceApp first appeared in 2017. It (2) _________ (become) popular in July last year. Many famous people like Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber shared (3) _________ (they) photos of wrinkly(有皱纹的) faces online. The app has different (4) _________ (kind) of filters( 滤 镜 ) and the "Age" filter becomes especially popular. You can either take a photo of yourself (5) _________ choose a photo from your phone. Then upload(上传) the photo to the app. With the help of the "Age" filter below, you can see what you'll look (6) _________ in many years. Every coin has two sides. Though lots of people use FaceApp for fun, some people are worried about the safety of (7) _________ (person) information. But Yaroslav Goncharov who created FaceApp says, "We might keep an uploaded photo in the cloud, but most photos will (8) _________ (cut) out within(在……内) 48 hours." Anyway, FaceApp (9) _________ (real) lights up the Internet. It gives us a chance to take a look at our future and perhaps makes us consider (10) _________ to prepare for it. (四) On Thanksgiving Day, I invited some friends over for dinner. At 7 p.m., dinner (1) _____ (serve). We started eating. I didn't put a limit on what I could or could not eat—my goal( 目标) was to enjoy everything. When I (2) _____ (eat), my friends asked me how I managed (3) _____ (control) my weight. I told them (4) _____ (me) secret. I eat slowly. Taking my time while eating something often results in eating less. I am also (5) _____ (luck) enough to live near a park that offers amazing views (6) _____ as the San Francisco skyline and the Golden Gate Bridge, so I have a tradition of taking (7) _____ short walk after having lunch, Besides seeing some beautiful (8) _____ (sight), I can burn some calories. Many people like going on a diet ( 节食)to lose some weight. They eat very little. This is wrong. (9) _____ you eat too little,

doc文档 2022年牛津译林版英语江苏常州中考综合填空练习四

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