中考语法词汇每日一练 23(八下重点)--牛津译林英语冲刺练习 一. 选择题 情态动词 1. --It’s raining harder and harder outside. I _______ at home to do some reading. A. must stay B. have to stay C. should stay D. could stay 动词词组 2. Here is the book. First, _____ it and then tell me what you think of it. A. look into B. look through C. look up D. look after 名词单复数 3. I saw some ______ and ______ dancing in the street the day before yesterday. A. Germans; Englishmen B. German; Englishmen C. Germans; Englishmen D. German; Englishmans 名词单复数 4. --Is Mrs Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching ______? --Yes, she is. But she had some bad ______ at the beginning. A. experiences; experience B. experience; experiences C. experience; experience D. experiences; experiences 情态动词 5. --_______ I swim here? --I’m sorry. Children under 12 _____ swim alone here. A. Can; mustn’t B. May; must C. Must; can’t D. Can’t; can So…that; enough; too..to 辨析 6. My grandpa is studying computers. He says it’s _____ learn new things. A. so late to B. old enough to C. too old to D. never too old to 谓语动词的时态语态 7. --Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black? --Sorry. He ______ Mazhou Park. A, has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. will go to Used to 的用法 8. He _______ a worker in a factory, but he _______ a pop star two years ago. A. used to be; has become B. used to be; became C. is used to be; has become D. is used to be; became Find 的用法 9. I find it ______ to get up early in winter. It’s too cold. A. easy B. easily C. difficult D. difficulty 口语运用 10. --Do you mind me smoking here? --______. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. Of course not B. No, I don’t C. You had better not D. It doesn’t matter 二. 填空题 谓语动词的时态语态 1. Jim _________ (not leave) his hometown for three months. 词形变化 2. Living together with my friends was a great ______. (pleasant) 一般疑问句的注意点 3. _______ the cow ______ (tie) to a tree in front of the house every day? 词义猜测 4. --Nowadays, it seems that many young people can’t live without smart phones. --E________. I think it’s bad for their health. See 的用法 5. Can you see the sun _______ (rise) little by little in the east? 时间状语从句 6. --When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre? --_______ (直到…才) we _____ (finish) the work tomorrow. 主谓一致 7. Lucy as well as her parents ______ (visit) the Great Wall twice. Warn 的用法 8. The signs warn us ________ (not swim) in the river, it is dangerous. 词形变化 9. It is a famous ________ (paint) of the 19th century ______ (prep) a French painter. 词汇默写 10. Mr. Wu spent a lot of time ______ (解释) the maths problem to us. 三. 回答问题 In most classes, students sit at desks and listen to teachers in a classroom. But in a new class at Chapman Middle School in Kansas, US, students are leaving the blackboards behind for blue sky and green grass. They are actually taking an outdoor life class. It’s not a typical ( 典 型 的 ) class, but teachers are trying it out. “We want kids to experience the outdoors,” the teacher John Harris said. Twenty-six students took part in ( 参加) the semester-long class. The class includes four parts: archery (射箭), hunting safety, survival skills and fishing. Before Harris’ class this year, archery teacher Andy Fewin taught a 9-week outdoor life class. He shares the same idea with Harris. He believes everyone needs “enjoy life” and “get outside”. “The outdoor life class aims (目的) to get the kids interested in coming to school.” Harris said. But he said everyone needs to finish their other work first. “It really teaches them to focus and pay attention in class. If they don’t, then they’ll miss out on the fun things they’re doing.” He said. 1. Where do the students have their new special class? ________________________________________________________________. 2. What do the students study in class? ________________________________________________________________. 3. How long did Andy Fewin spend teaching the outdoor life class before Harris’ class? ________________________________________________________________. 4. What do the students need to do first? ________________________________________________________________. 5. Why CMS in Kansas start the outdoor life class? ________________________________________________________________. 四. 语篇填空 Once there was a little girl named Meredith. Meredith enjoyed spending _______ (she) free time with her friends, but there was something different about Meredith. She was always i_________ in thing like chemistry ( 化学) and

doc文档 2022年中考英语语法词汇每日一练23(牛津译林版八年级下册重点)

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