Unit 3 The world of Period 5 Developing ideas science Lead-in Who is he? Benjamin Franklin Activity 1 Read the introduction to Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. Apart from being a successful statesman, he was also well known as a leading American author, printer and publisher, successful diplomat, creative scientist and inventor. His Famous Experiment • I assume that Benjamin Franklin is a ... person. • In my opinion, maybe he is... Activity 2 Read the passage and find out what Franklin’s experiment aimed to prove. Experiment The kite lightning experiment Aim To test if lightning was really produced by electricity. Material A kite with a string and a metal key Procedure First, Franklin flew a kite with a string and a metal key. Then, when a flash of lightning hit the kite, electricity was conducted through the string to the key. Conclusion Finally, touching the key, Franklin got an electric Lightning was a form of electricity. shock. Activity 3 Match the main ideas with each paragraphs. Para.1   A. Questioning accepted ideas. Para. 2 B. Benefits of the stories about exploring science. Para. 3 C. Benjamin Franklin’s famous experiment. Para. 4 D. Facts should be proved by experiments and research Para. 5 E. Introduction of the theme of the text. Para. 6 F. Not everything about the experiment is true. Introduce the theme of the passage Explaine the theme in detail Transition to another viewpoint to further explain the theme Sum up Activity 3 Number the statements to show how people's attitudes towards Franklin's experiment have changed. 3 Franklin’s spirit of scientific exploration is still considered an inspiration. People are amazed at and inspired by Franklin’s 1 experiment. 2 Scientists question what really happened in Franklin’s experiment. 1) Do you think it matters that Franklin’s experiment might not be true? Why? eg No. Because what really matters lies in his bravery to do the experiment. 2) What is your opinion about the statement "…we should not always believe everything we read or hear - even if it is a great story"? eg Sometimes a really great story may not be true, and we need to have critical thinking. 3) What qualities do you think a great scientist should have? eg I think a great scientist should be patient, serious, brave, careful, creative and imaginative… 4) In what ways do scientists contribute to society? Firstly, scientific discoveries promote the development of our society. Secondly, the contributions of scientists in medicine extend our life span. Thirdly, scientists have invented a lot of surprising tools that fundamentally improve our living standards. Finish exercise book 《自主》 part 2.

ppt文档 Unit 3 Developing ideas 课件 2021-2022学年外研版高中英语必修第三册

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