2022 年江苏南通启东阅读理解 CD 篇专练 1 Lisa stood next to her tall silent grandfather and watched her parents drive off, leaving her behind. She looked up at her grandfather. He looked down at her. His skin was a little darker than hers. His hair was black and white, as if it couldn’t decide which color it should be. “You don’t talk much, Grandpa,” Lisa said. “You don’t visit much, Lisa,” her grandfather replied. They stood looking at each other. “Come with me, Lisa,” said Grandpa. He started walking without looking back. Lisa followed him to a large storehouse. Lisa remembered her last visit to Grandpa’s. She had played hide-and-seek with her brother Jack in the storehouse. But now Jack needed an operation. Lisa had to stay here alone for a few days. “You coming?” Grandpa’s voice sounded muffled. His words were coming from inside the storehouse. Lisa went inside. The storehouse was full of all kinds of things. She could see him in the far corner. Lisa walked over and stood next to him. He pointed to a small wooden box with “Lisa” painted on it in bright green letters. “Yours,” he said. Lisa bent down and opened it. In it were some old things—a bright blue feather, a tiny V-shape leaf and some dolls. She looked up at Grandpa, with tears in her eyes. “The box stays here, but it belonged to you. No one else.” Then he closed his eyes and smiled. His smile reminded Lisa of her father. Grandpa no longer seemed strange and silent. “I may be so overcapitalized (过剩),” Lisa answered, carefully pronouncing the familiar word. Grandpa laughed out loud. “How did that eight-year-old brain of yours find its way around a big word like ‘overcapitalized’?” “It’s my dad’s favourite word,” Lisa replied. Grandpa looked down at Lisa and smiled. His smile again reminded Lisa of her father. Without thinking, she reached up and took Grandpa’s hand. Lisa’s hand felt small and safe inside her grandfather’s. “I might need more than one visit to my box,” Lisa said seriously. “I expect,” Grandpa said. 1.Why did Lisa stay with Grandpa alone for a few days? A.She was on her summer vacation. B.She missed her grandfather very much. C.Her grandfather needed an operation D.Her parents had to look after her sick soon. brother. 2.What does the underlined word “muffled” probably mean? A.Strange. B.Loud. C.Unclear. D.Beautiful. 3.The passage tells about Grandpa EXCEPT that ________. A.he liked doing DIY B.he was a man of few words C.he had black and white hair D.he kept a wooden box for Lisa 4.What did Lisa promise to do at the end of the story? A.Take care of her B.Write to her C.Use big words D.Visit Grandpa brother. parents. sometimes. often. 2 Language shows the environment where we live. We name the things around. Usually, the important things own many specific names, while the less important things only have some general names. So in one culture, people may have a large vocabulary to describe a certain object, while in another culture, such vocabulary is small. For instance, the Chinese have many words for “rice” and for “family members”. The British use many different expressions for “rain”. Kids growing up on a farm may be able to offer ten different words for plow, a farming tool. In some cultures, there is an amazingly large vocabulary to describe a certain thing. Eskimos have about 100 words for snow. For them, snow is so important to life that each of its forms and conditions has to own a name. They divide snow into four main categories, such as snow lying on the ground, snow floating in the sky, snow piling up, and snow piles. These different kinds of snow will tell them different weather conditions. It’s the same with the Arabians, whose life depends much on camels. In the Arabic language, according to camels’ appearance, characters, drinking behaviours, and the roles they play, there are hundreds of different words for the camel and all of its parts. Snow and camel are far less important in English-speaking cultures, and the single words “snow” and “camel” can usually satisfy their needs. When the needs become more specific, however, they can make up longer phrases to meet the needs: “corn snow”, “flying snow”, “big camel”, “funny camel”, etc. As we can see, there is a 4 between the words and the ideas of that culture. So it’s not hard to understand that each culture passes on its ideas and thoughts through word. 1 . What does Paragraph 2 serve as? A . Opinions. B . Examples. C . Conclusions. D . Reasons. 2 . From the passage, we know that

doc文档 2022年江苏省南通市启东阅读理解CD篇专练

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