深圳高级中学 2021-2022 学年下学期初二英语期中复习专练-新 题型 期中复习 新题型专练 Unit 1 短文填空 A. She was so thankful for the gift. B. She knew she was doing something good. C. They didn’t have enough money to buy a wig(假发). D. It helps them to enjoy life by looking as good as possible. E. People can donate hair to the group to help make wigs for cancer patients. F. Now Tsingsi Hair Donation Organization is doing better and better. Xiang Jiayi, a beautiful little girl, had long soft hair, but she decided to donate it to Tsingsi Hair Donation Organization.16. Tsingsi Hair Organization is a charity group(慈善团体)in Shanghai International Studies University. Three university students started the group. 17._ Zhang Xi,58,lost her hair after many times of chemotherapy(化疗). When she got a new wig from Tsingsi Hair Donation Organization, a long-lost smile came back to her face. 18. “I don't need to wear a hat anymore,” she said. “Getting people's trust was one of the most difficult things we had at first, because hair donation isn't that popular in China,” says Xu Sihan, the group lead-er. Xu and her team worked hard to make more people know about hair donation. 19. It has got over 7,000 donations and has helped over 100 cancer patients in China. A comfortable wig is more than just making the cancer patients look "nor-mal”. 20. Xu says she always feels great when she sees the face of a patient turn happy. Unit 1 信息匹配下面材料 A~F 分别是六种不同志愿者工作的简介。请根据五个人的需求选择合适的工作。 A. We go to many parks in our city to pick up rubbish and keep the parks clean. B. We need lots of volunteers to show the subway lines to people at the subway station at weekends. C. Do you want to be a teacher in the future? If you do, please come to help the children with their schoolwork. D. Hundreds of volunteers are wanted for the flower show. The show will be on this Sunday in the city square. It will be better if you can both speak Chinese and English. E. Welcome to help cheer up the sick kids. If you are funny, that will be great. F. If you are good at sports, please come to our summer camp. You can teach students to play basketball and football here. ( )21. Alice always makes others laugh. She would like to help the kids in hospital. ( )22. Mr Yang is always worried about the environment of the city. He wants to help to pick up rubbish in public places. ( )23. Sam does well in many kinds of sports. He wants to teach students to play sports during summer vacation. ( )24. Wang Mei knows all the subway lines in the city well. She is free every Saturday afternoon. ( )25. Zhang Feng is a Chinese boy. He loves helping others, and he is very good at English. Unit 2 短文填空 A. I felt excited. B. I was angry with that. 1 C. I thought I could work well alone. D. Pat and I could help with the skit(滑稽短剧). E. I was glad to work with Pat and Ken. F. At last, Ken, Pat and I acted our skit. Mr Mack had asked Ken, Pat and I to work on the job together. But I did not want to do it.16. Before working on the job, Pat and Ken just had fun in class, “Let's do it on frogs ( 青 蛙 ) ,”said Ken. “No,trucks,”Pat shouted.17. “Stop! Let's get to work!" I shouted and then they stopped. “I can act!” said Ken. He got a hat and a sock puppet(木偶).Then he acted a skit. His act was a success. Then I had an idea: Ken had a gift. He could act.18. oMr Mack asked us to act it for the kids in Miss Pam's class. Pat, Ken, and I had to plan and practise the skit. We met every day to practise the skit. We bought bags of props (道 具)and they helped us tell the story. 19. It was our best act. Mr Mack smiled and all the kids cheered happily.20. We had different ideas, but in the end, we put together a winning job. Unit 2 信息匹配 下面的材料 A~F 分别是六则广告。请根据五个人的需求描述选择合适的广告。 A. In New Life School the teachers are very friendly and they bring new hope to many blind and deaf people. B. Newsweek is a magazine for English learners of all levels. C. Red Cross accepts a donation of money for the earthquake victims(受害者). D. Many different kinds of chocolate are on sale. You can also make some chocolate by yourself to give your friends. Tel:7639-6369. E. Babysitters offered. 50 yuan per hour. Tel:7696-3699. F. You can find some new good English books in Tsinghua Book Centre. ( )21. Jack wants to buy some chocolate for his friends as a birthday gift. ( )22. Jane hopes that somebody can take care of her little son. ( )23. Judy likes learning English and wants to buy some magazines to read. ( )24. Amy hopes that she can donate(捐赠)some money to the homeless people in the

doc文档 广东省深圳高级中学2021-2022学年八年级下学期英语期中复习专练-新题型

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