04:按要求改写句子 -2022 年上海中考模拟押题试卷精选分项荟萃 第一套 Rewrite the following sentenced as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填 一词)(14 分) 48.Mr. Dancer was tired and went to sleep.(改为否定句) Mr. Dancer ________ tired and ________ go to sleep. 49.World Expo is held once every five years.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ is World Expo held? 50.There are few new types of MP 4 for us to choose in this store.(改为反意疑问句) There are few new types of MP 4 for us to choose in this store, ________ ________, 51.You needn't go there to buy the tickets. You can call the booking office for them.(保持句意 基本不变) You can call the booking office ________ of ________ there to buy the tickets. 52.Unless you are honest, he won't believe you.(用 if 改写) _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 53.The Bund in Shanghai looks extremely beautiful with the flowers around.(改为感叹句) ________ ________ the Bund in Shanghai looks with the flowers around! 54.him, his father, the day before yesterday, a new bike, bought(连词成句) _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 【答案】48. 49. How 50. are 51. instead wasn't didn't often there going 52.If you aren't honest, he won't believe you. 53. How beautiful 54.His father bought him a new bike the day before yesterday. 48.句意:Dancer 先生很累了,去睡觉了。 句子改为否定句,并列句前一句 be 动词后加 not;并列句后一句谓语动词为实义动词,因 此在前面加 didn't。故答案为 wasn't;didn't。 49.句意:世博会每五年举办一次。 画线部分意为“每五年一次”,对该部分提问应该用 How often 引导的特殊疑问句,表示对频 次的询问。故答案为 How;often。 50.句意:在这个商店有很少新型 MP4 可供我们选择。 此句陈述部分中 few 表示“很少的”,表示否定,因此附加句用“肯定”。There be 句型的反意 疑问句的附加句用 there,be 动词形式保持一致。故答案为 are;there。 51.句意:你不需要去那里买票。你可以给订票办公室打电话订票。 将两句话合并为一句可以用短语连接。instead of 表示“代替”,of 为介词后接动词 ing 形式。 go there 表示“去那里”,go 的动词 ing 形式为 going。故答案为 instead;going。 52.句意:除非你诚实,否则他不会相信你。 根据句意可知,可以用 if 引导的条件状语从句改写,意为“如果你不诚实,他就不会相信 你”。主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时。故答案为 If you aren't honest, he won't believe you. 53.句意:上海的外滩四周花团锦簇,看起来美极了。 根据给出部分可知,感叹句句型为“How+adj+主语+谓语+其他!”。故答案为 How; beautiful。 54.句意:前天他的父亲买给她一辆新自行车。 时间状语 the day before yesterday 表示“前天”,因此此句时态为一般过去时;主语 His father;谓语动词 bought;宾语 him;宾语补足语 a new bike。故答案为 His father bought him a new bike the day before yesterday. 第二套 Rewrite the following sentenced as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填 一词)(14 分) 32.The robbery case has already been solved.(改为否定句) The robbery case _______ been solved ________. 33.We must put used batteries into these green bins.(改为被动语态) Used batteries must ________ ________ into these green bins. 34.I have lived in this flat since April 2015.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ have you lived in this flat? 35.The three astronauts on Shenzhou 12 succeeded in completing their three-month mission. (保持句意基本不变) The three astronauts on Shenzhou 12 ________ ________ complete their three-month mission. 36.Send the letter to the manager at once.(保持句意基本不变) Send the letter to the manager ________ ________. 37.Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. (保持句意基本不变) ________ you ________ hurry up, you’ll be late for school. 38.very much/were/themselves/all the people/at the beach/enjoying(连词成句) __________________________________________________________. 32.hasn’t yet 【详解】 句意:抢劫案已经破了。考查现在完成时的被动语态如何变否定句。原句是现在完成时的 被动语态,其结构为 has/have+been+done,变否定句时,在助动词 has/have 之后直接加 not。原句使用的助动词是 has,has not 的缩写形式为 hasn’t;already 改为 yet,放在句子末 尾。故填 hasn’t;yet。 33.be put 【详解】 句意:我们必须把用过的电池放进这些绿色的箱子里。改后的句子是含有情态动词的被动 语态,用“情态动词+be done”结构表示,put 的过去分词还是 put,故填 be put。 34.How long 【详解】 句意:我从 2015 年 4 月就住在这间公寓。对时长的询问,用 how long 引导的特殊疑问句。 故填 How long。 35.managed to 【详解】 句意:神舟 12 号的三名宇航员成功完成了为期三个月的任务。succeed in doing sth=manage to do sth“成功做某事”,原句是一般过去时,改写后的句子也用一般过去时,故填 managed;to。 36.right now/away 【详解】 句意:马上把这封信寄给经理。at once=right now=right away,表示“立刻”,故填 right; now/away。 37.If don’t 【详解】 句意:快点,不然你上学要迟到了。原句可改为“如果不快点,上学就要迟到了”,if 表示 “如果”,引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主语 you 是第二人称,否定句借助于助 动词 don’t,故填 If;don’t。 38.All the people were enjoying themselves very much at the beach./At the beach all the people were enjoying themselves very much. 【详解】 根据所给标点可知应用陈述句形式,分析所给单词,all the people 作主语,系动词 were 置 于主语之后,enjoying themselves very much“玩得很开心”置于系动词之后,at the beach“在 海滩上”是地点状语,可以置于句首或句末;故答案为:All the people were enjoying themselves very much at the beach##At the beach all the people were enjoying themselves very much“在海滩上所有的人都玩得很开心”。 第三套 Rewrite the following sentenced as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填 一词)(14 分) 30.I would like a house with a big garden.(对划线部分提问) _________ __________ of house would you like? 【答案】What kind 【详解】 句意:我想要一个带

doc文档 【中考抢分必刷】04:按要求改写句子 -2022年上海英语中考模拟押题试卷精选分项荟萃

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