深一模作文分析 之 a special holiday 原题 就地过年 • To reduce the influence of the spread of Covid-19, we were suggested to st ay in Shenzhen to celebrate the sprin g festival, during the winter holiday. • Suffering from the impact of Covi d-19, our family determined to cel ebrate New Year in where we stay to help contain the spread of the disease and meet government’s r equirements. • For the sake of defending against the covid-19, People are appealed to stay at home • On account of the epidemic of Cov id-19, I spent a unique winter holi day instead of going back to my h ometown. 活动 • Chat online together harmoniously • Have a united dinner to express lo ve and miss • Design various funny family games to spend time joyfully • Watch the spring festival performanc e gala and set off plentiful fireworks. • Post couplets with my admirable han dwriting and put up latterns made by myself • I engaged in voluntary work in my community, which contributed to p romote my sense of duty • Without outdoors activities, I ha ve read several books concernin g great events in human history, from which I have gained a dee per insight into the affairs in rea lity. 续写

ppt文档 广东省深圳市2021年高考一模英语作文分析课件 2022届高考英语复习

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