期中复习 units 1-6 Unit1 1. Can you play the________(吉他),__________(鼓),__________(小提琴),___________ (钢琴)? 2. she wants to join the_____________(游泳俱乐部),_______________(讲故事俱乐部). 3. He can play__________(下棋)and he can________(也)do Chinese____________(功夫). 4. I can __________(讲)English,so I always__________(交谈)to him in English. 5. Can you ___________(展示)your___________(故事)to me? 6. I am ________________________(擅长讲故事). 7. Are you______________(善于应付)the old man? 8. Do you want_____________________(交朋友)him? 9. ___________________(在周末),she usually _________(教)him English. 10. As a ____________(音乐家),he likes______________________(帮助我音乐). 11. ____________(人们)usually ________________(到家)at 5pm every day. 12. She is ______________(写)a letter in the___________(中央)of the house now. Unit 2 1. please ______________( 起 床 )quickly and______________( 穿 衣 ) and then ______________(刷牙)and _________________(洗澡). 2. ___________( 通 常 )he____________( 锻 炼 )at _____________________( 六 点 3. 4. 5. 6. 半)or______________________(六点四十五). Today is my______________(四十)birthday.I __________(从不)buy a cake. In her___________(五十),he still _____________________(在电台工作). It’s really a ____________(滑稽的)time to ________________(做家庭作业). After dinner,I __________(要么)__________(散步)___________(或者)__________(跑 步). 7. I need to___________(打扫)my room.I always have _______________(大量的) housework to do. 8. He saved many people’s______________(生命). 9. Do you know the____________(味道)of bread? 10. _____________(有时候),I hate my ___________(工作). Unit3 1. How do you_______________(到达)school? 2. 乘火车、乘汽车、骑自行车、乘地铁、乘私家车、乘船 3. 六十、七十、八十、九十 4. There are two___________(百)students in our school. 5. ________________(多远)is it from your school to your home?It’s about______________(十分 钟的步行).It’s about 2 ____________(千米). 6. It takes me 15 minutes ____________(walk)to school every day. 7. My father________________(开车)to work. 8. I think___________________(越过河流)to school is very dangerous. 9. 你认为他的书怎么样? 10. There is a __________(桥)__________(介于......之间)her school__________her_______(村 庄). 11. I need to pass ________________(许多站)on my way to school. 12. Don’t be___________(害怕)of the darkness. 13. He is___________(像)a father to me. 14. Many villagers want ______________(离开)their village. 15. I wish my_________(梦想)can______________(实现). Unit 4 1. Every day,we must__________________________( 准 时 到 达 学 校 ).It’s our school__________(规则).we must_________________(准守校规). 2. Don’t run in the____________(走廊)or___________(餐厅). 3. On rainy days,I like ____________________(听音乐). 4. I am __________(难过)to hear that you ___________(打架)with your classmates often. 5. It’s___________(重要)for us__________________(穿校服)on school days. 6. In the library,we ______________(不得不)____________________(保持安静). 7. Can you___________(带来)some___________(碟子)_________school tomorrow? 8. Don’t leave the________________(脏的盘子)in the___________(厨房). 9. ___________(在......之前)breakfast,I need to___________________(整理床铺). 10. My mother ______________________( 在 学 习 上 对 我 要 求 严 格 )and ask me to________(读报纸) after____________(放松)myself. 11. It’s ____________(吵闹的)____________(外面).Let’s_____________(出去)to see what happened. 12. she _______________(感到幸运)to have so much good ____________(运气). 13. Boys aren’t allowed(允许)to _____________________(留长发). 14. To_________(学习)English well, I want to____________________(练习更多). 15. Please ______________(记得)to close the door after you leave the classroom. Unit 5 1. a_________(熊猫\狮子\长颈鹿\老虎\动物园),___________________(一只大象). 2. Some ___________(动物)are _________(可爱)but some are __________(懒惰). 3. Koala is_________________(有点)__________(聪明)and ___________(漂亮). 4. 南非 5. The ________(猫)has four__________(腿)and they__________(睡觉)all day. 6. It’s a little___________(吓人的). 7. They’re ______________(对我很友好). 8. We need to___________(拯救)elephants because they are in ___________(危险). 9. It’s the ___________(象征)of our country. 10. He never________________(迷路)in the forest. 11. We should go to the place with _____________________(水和食物). 12. There are fife stars on our___________(旗子). 13. If we______________(砍倒)many trees,we’ll ___________(杀死)many animals. 14. We shouldn’t buy things that____________________(由象牙制成的). 15. There are ___________(超过)40 students in my class. Unit 6 1. I like _________________(读报纸)and________________________(去电影院). 2. Mother,can you_____________________(做汤)for me today? 3. I __________(只是,恰好)want to______________(出去吃饭)and _____________(喝 茶). 4. There is a __________(商店)and a_____________

doc文档 期中复习units1-6 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册

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