英语高三练习 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A The 14th National Games held in Xi’an has triggered great interest—not only in sports and fitness, but also in the host city itself. If you are planning a tour of Xi’an taking less than 3 days, you’ll want to hit all the following highlights. The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army is not just China’s premier historical attraction but one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, which was constructed by China’s First Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC). It is a collection of thousands of life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots( 战车) in battle formation, showing the emperor’s armies in full splendor. Ancient City Wall Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (13681644) as a military defense system. Now it is one of the oldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is now a landmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas. Giant Wild Goose Pagoda One of China’s most famous Buddhist pagodas, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) for the study of Buddhist scriptures. One of the main functions of the pagoda was to store sutras( 经 文 ) brought to China from India by the famous monk and traveler Xuan Zang. It was built with layers of bricks and has a grand structure and appearance. It is exemplary of traditional Chinese architecture. Shaanxi History Museum The Shaanxi History Museum is home to over 370,000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years. Its collections range from bronze wares to pottery figures, gold and silver wares and wall paintings from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) tombs. Among its precious collections, 18 pieces have been listed as national treasures. 1. Which of the following has the longest history? A. The Terracotta Army. B. Ancient City Wall. C. Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. D. Shaanxi History Museum. 2. What can visitors see in Shaanxi History Museum? A. Chariots discovered in Xi’an. B. Sutras brought from India to China. C. Relics unearthed in Shaanxi. D. Wall paintings from the Qing Dynasty tombs. 3. What do the four attractions have in common? A. They hold collections of antiques. B. They are of historical and cultural value. C. They represent the modern spirit of Xi’an. D. They are examples of traditional Chinese architecture. B A flight attendant’s kindness towards a passenger with Parkinson’s disease is appreciated on the internet after a woman shared his story on social media. Sharon Radcliffe was on a Delta Airlines flight from Detroit to Nashville last week when the flight attendant, Jeffrey Jones, discovered that an older woman in coach class struggled with the neurodegenerative(神经退化) disease. To Radcliffe’s surprise, Jones immediately took the senior by the hand and brought her to an empty seat in first class. “For the ENTIRE flight, I could see him checking in on her, patting her back, helping her get up, walking her (holding hands) up and down the aisle and generally ‘mother hen-ing’ her,” Radcliffe wrote on Facebook. When Radcliffe asked if he needed any help caring for the woman, Jones simply said: “I got this.” “He told me his grandmother had Parkinson’s and that he was all good, but that he very much appreciated my offer for help,” said Radcliffe. “As I sat in my seat, I literally had tears in my eyes.”Radcliffe, who works at a hospital in Marquette, Michigan, praised Jones for his kindness before she left the plane. Then, she posted the photos of Jones on Facebook where they have been shared thousands of times. As news agencies continue to pick up the story of Jones’s sympathy, the flight attendant also turned to social media to express his thankfulness for the experience. “All of the positive comments, shares, feedback, etc. have been an amazing and humbling experience for me,” wrote Jones. “And thank you to Delta for showcasing my story, which happens to be one of thousands upon thousands of the good deeds and hearts we as flight attendants perform and share every day in and out of the air.” 4. How did Jones deal with the older woman? A. He followed Radcliffe’s instructions. B. He took care of her skillfully and attentively. C. He turned to doctors on the flight for help. D. He provided her with professional treatment. 5. What can we learn about Radcliffe from the story? A. She assisted Jones in the caring. B. Her grandmot

doc文档 山东省青岛市2022届高三4月模拟练习英语试题

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