Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ? Section B(1a-1d) 一.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Everyone should try their best to serve the__________(social) . 2.They hoped to see the Problem solved __________ ( peaceful). 3.All of us were excited at the __________( perform) Carmen(《卡门》) 4. Have you__________ (try)Chinese food when you were in America? 5.__________ (history ) sites are the memory of our country’s glorious(辉煌的)past. 二.按要求完成句子。 6.比尔跳舞跳得如此好,以至于我不敢相信我的有眼睛。 Bill danced so well that I __________ __________my eyes. 7.今年暑假我打算去个不同的地方。 I’m going to go__________ __________ this summer vacation. 8.--我从来没有去过新图书馆。--我也没有。 --I have __________ __________to the new library --__________ __________ __________. 9. Have you ever been to a science museum?(英译汉) ________________________________________________________ 10.但是我对历史不感兴趣。(汉译英) _________________________________________________________ 三.句型转换。 11. Ann doesn’t like popular songs. I don’t like them either.(改为同义句) Ann doesn't like popular songs.__________, __________. 12. We have been somewhere special before.(改为一般疑问句) __________ __________ __________ __________ special before? 13. I have been there three times.(对画线部分提问) __________ __________ __________have you been there? 14. His temperature seems all right.(改为同义句) __________ __________that his temperature is all right. 15. I have been to the Space museum.(对画线部分提问) __________ __________ you __________? 四.任务型完形填空。 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。 if, bring back, easily, perfect, also,it, biggest, could. thousands, studied The British Museum is a great building in London. It's the 1.__________museum in the wo rld. Only gentlemen 2.__________visit the museum when it openedin1759. There are about 3.________of different things inside the museum. You can see many4.______ arts ad pictures. There are5._____a large number of ancient clothes, money and animal bodies. These old things not only 6.______unforgettable memories they al so help people to understand the history of Britain 7.__________. To help people to do scientific research, a reading room was set up a hundred years ago in t he museum. Since then, many famous men have 8.__________there. 9. _________you want to go to the British Museum this year, don’t try to visit 10.__________qu ickly.There is a lifetime of looking in the British Museum. 五.完形填空 There are many different ways to travel from England across Europe:by plane,by train,by boat...However,one of the least used __1__ is to travel to Europe by car.Now I am staying in Vibo Valentia in Italy.Instead of __2__ about four hours on a plane or a day and a half on the train,I'd like to __3__ to drive all the way from South East England to South West Italy,for good reasons. When traveling to Europe by train or plane,you can __4__ take a couple of suitcases (手 提箱) with you.But my car is __5__ more like a small removal van (搬家卡车);it __6__ me to take lots of my things with me. What's more,__7__ a road trip,you can stop for a __8__ to any place whenever you like.For example,during my last trip by __9__,I didn't have to think about which plane or train I need to __10__.I could stay in places for as __11__ as I wanted.When stopping in Bruges in the early afternoon,I was only planning to stay for two hours _12__ instead I paid for a hotel and stayed in Bruges until the next morning.I just __13__ in love with Bruges! Remember to __14__ a good friend to travel with you.It will __15__ be one of the most wonderful things you ever do! ( )1.A.objects    B.signs  C.ways     D.reasons ( )2.A.waiting B.adding C.borrowing ( )3.A.choose B.win C.refuse D.prepare D.forever ( )4.A.even B.only C.almost ( )5.A.much B.less C.most ( )6.A.tells B.expects C.allows ( )7.A.across ( )8.A.visit B.with B.sleep D.spending C.off C.lunch D.little D.imagines D.during D.toilet ( )9.A.plane B.car ( )10.A.control ( )11.A.long B.lead B.wide ( )12.A.or B.but ( )13.A.fell B.took ( )14.A.find B.point ( )15.A.nearly C.train D.bus C.catch D.repair C.deep D.far C.so D.if C.made D.put C.protect D.introduce B.hardly C.usually D.surely 参考答案 一.1.society 2.peacefully 3.performance 4.tried 5.Historical 二.6.couldn’t believe 7.somewhere different 8.never been Neither have I 9.你去过科学博物馆吗? 10.But I’m not interested in history. 三.11.Me,neither 12.Have you been anywhere 13.How many times 14.It seems 15.Where have been 四.1.biggest 2.could 3.thousands 6. bring back 4.perfect 5.also 7.easily 8.studied 9.If 10.it 五.CDABA CDABC

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