牛津译林版 八下 Unit 7 词汇练习(二) 一、根据中文提示、首字母、英文释义或句意完成句子。 1. It was warm all year around and sometimes it’s very hot in Kunming, __________(尤其)in May and June. 2. __________(基础的)practice is useful for learning English. 3. Can you give us an introduction of your __________(教育)background? 4. Everyone in the game has the __________(平等的)chance. 5. —Do you have the r__________ to drive this car? —Yes, it’s my own car. 6. To __________(传播)Chinese culture, many college students go abroad to teach Chinese. 7. There will be a few __________(采访)with the famous players after the sports news. 8. His __________(失明)brings him lots of trouble in his life. 9. Jay’s fans are __________(大多数的)young boys and girls, I think. 10. The most serious __________(病例)was treated by Dr Fang yesterday. 11. Doctors believe that most eye problems can be __________(治愈). 12. I think the __________(医疗的)level in the city is better that that in the countryside. 13. The doctor says lifestyle changes should be part of the __________(治疗). 14. There are so many __________(病人)in the hospital because of the cold weather. 15. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. But Jim can’t __________(to have enough money to buy)a gift for his mother. 16. Have the passengers gone on __________(in or on a plane, ship, train, etc.) yet ? 17. Dr Ma usually does over 150 __________(手术)on the plane during a visit. 18. We are very __________(自豪)that a pupil from our school has won the prize. 19. I wonder if most writers will answer their __________(读者)letters. 20. My brother had a cold. The doctor asked him to take the m__________ three times a day. 21. In the past few years, Nanjing has __________(发展)a lot. 22. The boy was __________(治疗)in time and he is safe now. 23. We helped to give out __________(传单)to encourage people to help the charity. 24. The students wants to __________(举行)a charity show next month. 25. Oxfam was __________(建立)up in the UK in 1942. 26. The shop sells a lot of things, __________(包括)comic books. 27. Lots of people lost their homes because of __________(战争). 28. He helps me __________(组织)the activity at the weekend. 29. Your mother looks __________(苍白的). Is there anything wrong with her? 30. What’s the m__________ with you? You need to have a good rest. 31. Please c__________ your paper carefully before you hand it in. 32. The bags over there must be those __________(秘书). 33. We decided to spend our winter holiday in __________(印度)since it is warm there. 34. All the __________(官员)should try to work for the happiness of all the people. 35. You must be __________(培训)first if you want to become a doctor. 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 36. Today more and more children can receive good __________(educate) in some poor areas in China. 37. Many foreigners enjoy Chinese fashions. __________(especial) the Tang costume. 38. They should have a __________(far) discussion if they want to solve the problem completely. 39. He didn’t go to school because of his __________(ill). 40. Thanks to the government, people in our hometown don’t need to pay for the __________(treat) in hospital. 41. The __________(operate) was successful and the boy is safe now. 42. I learn about some __________(charity), such as Project Hope, WWF and so on. 43. If you don’t feel __________(good), you should see the doctor as soon as possible. 44. These children’s __________(life) have been saved by this doctor. 45. The problem of __________(blind) is very serious. We will solve it soon. 46. There are many charity __________(organize) all over the world. 47. One of her __________(read) sends her flowers every day. 48. We visit our grandparents every week, __________(most) on Sundays. 49. China is a __________(develop) country, but its development has amazed the world. 50. —Do you know the __________(interview) on TV? —Of course. He’s my uncle. 三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 51. —Bad luck! My watch doesn’t work well. —Take it way. It just needs __________(repair). 52. The farmers near the city make a lot of money by __________(grow) vegetable. 53. He __________(hear) to sing the English song just now. 54. They __________(talk) about how to spend this holiday this holiday when I came into the room. 55. Most young people get used to __________(pay) with WeChat or Alipay. 56. The story __________(write) by the old man is very popular all over the country. 57. If you keep __________(practise), you will pass the exam easily. 58. My hometown is greener now. More and more trees __________(plant) every spring. 59. English ____

doc文档 Unit 7 词汇练习(二)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册

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 Unit 7 词汇练习(二)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 1 页  Unit 7 词汇练习(二)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 2 页  Unit 7 词汇练习(二)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 3 页  Unit 7 词汇练习(二)2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册 第 4 页
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