江苏省二模三模试题分类汇编 专题 01 阅读理解 (2022 届江苏省决胜新高考高三 4 月大联考英语试题)The global population growing, the climate is warming, and, no surprise, the demand for energy is steadily increasing. We need to use less energy in any way that we can. German design student Tobias Tribenbacher, from the University of the Arts Berlin, has created a street light called Papilio in response to global sustainability initiatives, saying that he initially chose to create a city-facing streetlight due to such lights’ role in tight pollution. Papilio can be mounted to walls or set up as a freestanding lantern. The lamp should ideally be placed between three to six metres above ground, where ground-level winds are the strongest. The lamp is shaped like a pinwheel that acts as a wind turbine (涡轮), catching the wind to produce its own energy. It also has a rechargeable battery that stores electricity, so the lamp can operated even on less windy days. Another key component of the lamp is the light itself. The warm- colored light doesn’t draw the attention of insects, and it uses an infrared(红外线的)sensor so that the light is only started by nearby motion, reducing its contribution to light pollution. Aside from saving public space and beautifying streets, the streetlight’s design is also a visual signal of clean energy in action.“Design not only determines how street lights are working. It can also shape our attitude towards them and consequently affect how we use them,” Tobias Tribenbacher says.“Because energy creation is often an invisible process, projects such as these help the production of electricity become comprehensible.” The lamp’s ability to change wind power into electricity can also be a huge benefit to naturally windy areas. And since it doesn’t require any electrical infrastructure (基础设施), there will be an opportunity to fix the street lights in remote settings or places where infrastructure innovations can be cost-prohibitive. Just as lanterns create the character of streets and squares, Papilio is envisioned as a public sustainability statement that motivates residents to take part in transforming our cities into climate-friendly, future-proof environments. 1.Why did Tribenbacher choose to create the street light? A.To tackle light pollution. B.To reduce biodiversity loss. C.To beautify the city he lives in. D.To draw public attention to waste. 2.Which of the following is the feature of the street light? A.It occupies a large space. B.It can be fixed anywhere. C.It is switched off by hand. D.It is unattractive to insects. 3.What do Tribenbacher’s words in Paragraph5 imply? A.The climate crisis is tough to address. B.Design can facilitate our comprehension. C.We must take action to save clean energy. D.We know little about electricity generation. 4.What is the purpose of the text? A.To stress the importance of innovation. B.To introduce a wind- powered street light. C.To advocate environmental sustainability. D.To analyze the sustainability of the street light. (2022 届江苏省决胜新高考高三 4 月大联考英语试题)If you’ve ever felt a rush of intense emotion, then you’ve probably also experienced the crash that comes when those emotions gradually become less strong. Although we usually think of exhaustion (精疲力竭) in physical terms, it can also be mental. One of the contributors to mental exhaustion is highintensity emotions. Too many of these high-intensity emotions, whether they are positive or negative, can lead to burnout. Psychologists divide emotions into two dimensions, which includes high and low intensity, as well as positive and negative. High-intensity positive emotions include excitement or elation, while low-intensity positive emotions include calmness, or contentment. When it comes to negative emotions, high-intensity emotions include anger, anxiety, and fear, while low-intensity emotions include sadness, boredom, and tiredness. It’s easy to see how high-intensity negative emotions like anger can be exhausting. What we don’t think about as much is the fact that high intensity positive emotions are also exhausting, although in a way that feels very different. Excitement, even when it is fun, involves what psychologists call “physiological arousal”-- activation of our sympathetic system. High-intensity positive emotions involve the same physiological arousal as high-intensity negative emotions. Our heart rate increases, and our sweat glands (腺) activate. Because it activates the body’s stress response, excitement can deplete our system when sustained ove

doc文档 专题01 阅读理解20篇-2021-2022学年江苏省名校二模三模试题分类汇编

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