八下单元配套作文专练 (一) 由于新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的爆发,几个月来我们不得不待在家里。正因如此,这次 疫情教会了我们重新审视自己的习惯,更好地生活。请根据下列提示写一篇 100 词左右的英语短 文,谈谈保持健康的秘诀。短文的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 提示: 1. 多锻炼,多喝水,均衡膳食(have a balanced diet); 2. 早睡早起,保持充足的睡眠; 3. 多吃蔬菜和水果,健康饮食; 4. …… Because of the COVID-19, we had to stay at home for months. It taught us to take a second look at our habits and to live better. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 【范文赏析】 Because of the COVID-19, we had to stay at home for months. It taught us to take a second look at our habits and to live better. Here are some tips to keep healthy. First, we should do more exercise and have a balanced diet. Drink more water every day. Second, we’d better go to bed early and get up early to keep enough sleep. Third, why not eat more vegetables and fruit every day? As we know, they are good for our health. What’s more, to be healthy, we can’t play too much computer games. We can read more books about health. In a word, there are many ways to make us healthy. You can find some and try them. (二) Mike 昨晚头疼,没睡好觉。今天早上去了医院,医生量过他的体温后发现他并没有发烧, 只是有点儿感冒。医生给他开了一些药,让他每天吃两次,多喝热水,好好休息。最后,医生建 议他每天锻炼身体。 请你根据以上信息及下面提示,写一篇不少于 100 词的短文。 提示: 1. What is the matter with Mike? 2. How many times does Mike should take the medicine? 3. What did the doctor advise him to do? 要求: 1. 包含所有提示,可适当发挥; 2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Mike didn’t sleep well last night. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 【范文赏析】 Mike didn’t sleep well last night because he had a headache. His father took him to the hospital this morning. After taking his temperature, the doctor told him that there was nothing serious. He didn’t have a fever, but had a little cold. Then the doctor gave him some medicine and asked him to take it twice a day. The doctor also told him that he should drink more hot water and have a good rest. At last, the doctor advised him to do more exercise every day because exercising will help him stay healthy. I hope he will be better soon. (三) 李梅的父母都是医生。由于疫情的暴发,他们去了武汉做志愿工作,所以李梅和爷爷奶奶在 家。懂事的李梅经常帮助爷爷奶奶做家务。 假如你是李梅,一天父母打电话说要从武汉回家,你决定把家打扫得干干净净。请你根据下 面的提示写一篇短文,可适当发挥,80 词左右。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示: 1. Why did you do the housework? 2. What housework did you do? 3. How did your parents feel? My parents went to Wuhan as volunteers as medical staff. One day, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 【范文赏析】 My parents went to Wuhan as volunteers as medical staff. One day, they called me they would come back, so I decided to clean up the house to make them happy. After having breakfast, I did the dishes. After that, I began to clean the living room. I swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the rubbish. After having a break, I began to do some washing. At about half past eleven, I finished all the chores. I was tired but happy. When my parents got home, they were surprised to find I did so many chores and made the house so clean. They said “Dear, you really did a good job! Thank you.” Hearing this, I was really proud of myself. (四) 在日常生活中,我们应学会帮助别人。假如你是 Paul,准备和几个好朋友做一些志愿者活 动。请你根据表格中的内容,用英语写一篇不少于 100 词的短文,描述你们的计划。短文开头已 给出,不计入总词数。可适当发挥,以使行文流畅、通顺。 姓名 计划 理由 Jack 看望医院里的孩子们 让他们高兴并尽快康复 Mike 看望敬老院里的老人 不让老人感到孤独 Susan 在社区做志愿者 给予残疾人更多的帮助 Paul …… …… 提示词:community 社区 In life, we need help when we have problems. At the same time, we should try to help others in need. My friends and I decide to do some volunteer work. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 【范文赏析】 In life, we need help when we have problems. At the same time, we should try to help others in need. My friends and I decide to do some volunteer work. Jack wants to visit sick kids in hospital to cheer them up and make them get better soon. Mike plans to visit the old people in the old people’s home. He wants to help them do something useful and make them not feel lonely. Susan will volunteer in a community. She hopes to give disabled people more help. As for me, I decide to help give out food at a food bank because I know there are many poor people. They don’t have enough food and they are always hungry. In fact, helping others is helping ourselves. Let’s take action to help others. (五) 假如你是 Helen,你在某个图书馆的网站上看到了招收志愿者的公告,想申请成为其中一 员。请你根据下面的要点提示并结合自己的实际情况,写一封

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