备战 2022 中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 中考阅读理解热点话题考前冲刺集训 03 (2022·江苏盐城·一模) During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, athletes from all over the world broke both personal and Olympic records. High-tech elements have been giving “wings” to these hardworking athletes, helping them become “faster, higher, stronger, together”. The National Speed Skating Oval (the Ice Ribbon) saw 12 new Olympic records and one world record, including Chinese speed skater Gao Tingyu’s Olympic record of 34.32 seconds in the men’s 500 meters. Known as “the fastest ice”, the 12,000-square-meter rink has received very good feedback (反馈) from the athletes. “It makes everyone skate faster,” Gao Tingyu said after he bagged the gold. The secret behind is a new carbon dioxide ice-making technology. Speed-skating requires a very flat ice surface. If the ice surface temperature doesn’t change much, the ice stays flatter. Flat ice is easier to skate on. Liquid carbon dioxide was put under the ice for the first time. It cooled the ice and kept the temperature changes on the surface within just half of one degree. In events like freestyle skiing and ski jumping, the direction and speed of the wind could largely affect athletes’ performance. A research team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed a wind measuring system using AI technology. “Some events only last a few seconds, and the wind is changing all the time. This system allows athletes and coaches to ‘see’ wind directly through real-time data on their pads, and decide when and where to jump,” the team leader Shao Yun told Beijing Daily. There are many more high-tech elements that boost athletic performance, including drag-reducing sportswear, smart beds that massage athletes, and robots that cook. All these helped keep China’s promise to hold an “athlete-centered” Olympics, said Zhao Weidong, the spokesperson of the Beijing organizing committee. 1.The underlined “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to _________________. A.the record B.the ice rink C.the gold medal D.the temperature 2.The system from the Chinese Academy of Sciences helps athletes _________________. A.measure wind more correctly B.control the speed of the wind C.change the direction of the wind D.record their jumps in real time 3.What do we know from the words of Zhao Weidong? A.Other countries look at China with new eyes. B.The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics were the best ever. C.The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics were athlete-centered. D.China is expected to hold another Winter Olympics soon. (2022·江苏苏州·一模) Here comes 2022, the Year of the Tiger! For Chinese people, the tiger is the king of all the animals. So in Chinese culture, tigers stand for being brave, strong and powerful. That’s why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses. They are to protect these places from disasters and danger. In ancient times, some great generals(将军)were called the “tiger generals”. Usually generals would be given a tiger-shaped piece called hufu to send soldiers. Tigers also have a place in the lives of Chinese people. Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes which are made in the shape of a tiger’s head. Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers. People make cloth tigers during Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the “tigers” could “eat up” the bad animals and keep illness away. In some parts of China, people make tigershaped buns(馍)when the new year comes. Westerners also consider tigers as a symbol of Asia. Singapore, South Korea, China’s Hong Kong and Taiwan—were once called “The Four Asian Tigers”. In the book Life of Pi, the Canadian writer chose a tiger as the partner for the Indian boy Pion his dangerous journey. French fashion brand(品牌)KENZO takes the tiger as its main pattern when it tries to show Eastern features. Tigers are my favorite animals. If you ask my mom, she’ll tell you that my best-loved toy while growing up was my toy tiger, which I still treasure dearly to this day. As a young animal lover, I felt so sad that they were in danger and I wanted to help protect them. 4.What will people do to wish their children strong? A.Make tiger-shaped buns for them. B.Make cloth tigers during festivals. C.Dress them with tiger hats and shoes. D.Give them a tiger-shaped piece called hufu. 5.What can you infer(推断)from Paragraph 3? A.Tigers are important in Asian culture. B.Tigers are popular all around the world. C.Life of Pi is a book about Asian tigers. D.Tige

doc文档 中考阅读理解热点话题考前冲刺集训03-备战2022中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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