备战 2022 高考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练 (高考模拟+名校真题) 专题 41 感动中国 2022 杨振宁 苏炳添等 Passage 1 (2021·江西南昌·高三一模)Chien-Shiung Wu spent most of her life in the United States, but the Chinese-American nuclear physicist is at least as well known, if not much more, among the Chinese than among Americans. On March 17, 2016 the US Department of Energy website published an article praising Wu’s many achievements during National Women’s History Month this month. She was known as the “Chinese Madame Curie”, “First Lady of Physics”, and many other titles given by her students. Wu was born in Shanghai on May 31, 1912, and grew up in Jiangsu. Wu was lucky at a time of few educational opportunities for women in China. She attended the elementary school for girls founded in 1913 by her father. After graduating from Suzhou No 2 Women’s Normal School in 1929, Wu was enrolled in the National Central University (now Nanjing University) to study mathematics and then physics. In August 1936, Wu pursued further study in the University of California Berkeley in the US. Receiving her PhD in 1940. Wu taught for two years at Smith College and Princeton University. She joined the secret Manhattan Project in 1944. Wu is best known for her1956 experiment that disproved(推翻) the conservation of parity(守恒定律). The experiment was regarded vital in securing fellow Chinese-born scientists Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics. Wu had won numerous honors, being the first woman with an honorary doctorate from Princeton University in 1958, and the first person selected in 1978 to receive the Wolf Prize. Her name and stories became widely known in China after she made many trips in China in later years. She was honorary professor at many Chinese universities and one of the first foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994. Wu died of stroke on Feb 16,1997 in New York. An asteroid(小行星)(2752 Wu ChienShiung) was named after her in 1990. 1.Paragraph 3 is mainly about Chien-Shiung Wu’s ________. A.living conditions B.family background C.education experience D.major development 2.Wu is best known because ________. A.she was given many titles by her students B.she is a female Chinese-American physicist C.she secured Yang and Li the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics D.she was the first woman to receive the Wolf Prize 3.What can we infer from the last but one paragraph? A.Wu is widely known among the Chinese. B.Wu was devoted to Chinese science in later life. C.Many Chinese universities awarded Wu honors. D.Wu’s Chinese trips made her the honorary professor. 4.What is the text mainly about? A.An introduction to a physicist. B.Achievements made by a physicist. C.Praise to a physicist. D.An experiment making a physicist well-known. Passage 2 (2020·陕西·西安中学高二期末)A recent documentary produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has caused a stir in China and in the UK. The documentary, titled Are Our Kids Tough Enough? focuses on five Chinese teachers who are sent to teach 50 UK teens at a school in Hampshire. The teachers instruct the students for a month. The pupils are then tested, and the results are compared to the ones of those who have continued in the regular UK education system. The idea is to see if the Chinese method improves academic performance. The Chinese teachers use their own teaching methods but receive strong resistance from the students. A clip from the documentary online shows some problems, with Chinese teachers calling their students lazy and lacking in discipline, while the students say the high pressure and harsh teachers are driving them crazy. This has aroused a new debate in both China and the UK, with some arguing the teenagers need more regulation and discipline. Others say Chinese methods encourage rote learning (死记硬背) instead of independent thinking. For instance, Chinese language teachers should do more than pass on knowledge about words and characters. They should inspire students, helping them feel the sentiment from Chinese literature. This is a higher level of teaching. Yang Dongping, dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, says, “The Chinese teaching methods are designed to strictly train the majority. Foreign teaching methods, however, are more natural and relaxing, and designed to inspire students’ interest in learning. Education methods are based on culture. That is why a successful education method in one place may not work that well when simply ‘transplanted’ into another place.”

doc文档 专题41 感动中国2022杨振宁 苏炳添等-备战2022高考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)

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