2021 年山东省潍坊市中考英语试卷 一、阅读理解(共 4 小题;每小题 6 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四 个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. Alex:Look at that guy over there. Dave:What about him? Alex:That's Tony Smith. Dave:Oh,Tony.That's right.He goes to ballet(芭蕾舞)classes. Alex:Yeah,that'sweird!A boy!Doing ballet! Dave:Hey.Tony.Do you want to play football with us? Alex:Or are you worried about your pretty little dancing feet? Dave:Alex,shut up!Don't listen to him,Tony,he's stupid! Tony:You know,Alex,I like playing football.And,no,I'm not worried about my feet. Alex:Oh,yeah?But doing ballet... Tony:I like ballet.It's not my problem if you don't like it! Alex:Well,I mean,it's different,isn't it?For a boy... Tony:So what? (1)The underlined word "weird" in Picture 2 has the similar meaning to   . A.awful B.strange C.fantastic D.interesting (2)In Alex's opinion,    . A.Dave is different B.ballet is only for girls C.football is only for boys D.Tony is worried about his feet (3)The three boys are mainly talking about   . A.dances B.sports C.hobbies D.classes 2.(8 分)The 6﹣year﹣old girl ,Ruby,lived in New Orleans,Louisiana..She was supposed to go to school close to her home.But all the students in that school were white.Ruby was black.School leaders didn't want to accept her ,so they made Ruby take a hard exam and hoped she would fail.But Ruby was so smart that she passed the test easily and was finally allowed to go to the school. Ruby was excited about her new school.But when she and her mom arrived on her first day,she saw a crowd of angry people shouting very cruel things at the gate.They did not want a black child to attend the school. "I had no idea what was happening, " remembered Ruby.She thought the crowd was celebrating something. Each day.Ruby went to school with four police officers who worked for the national government to protect her.The sight of this small girl with her big bodyguards moved the artist Norman Rockwell.He created a painting of Ruby.He called it The Problem We All Live With",It became a very famous painting. Ruby grew up to be a civil rights activist.She worked to protect the rights given to all citizens by the government.She even went to the White House to meet President Barack Obama.They looked at Mr.Rockwell's painting.It hung outside the Oval Office. "We should never judge a person by the color of their skin, " Ruby said. " That's the lesson I learned in first grade. " (1)How could Ruby get the chance to go to the school?    A.By meeting the president. B.By passing a difficult exam. C.By visiting the school leaders. D.By asking for help from the government. (2)What was the crowd probably shouting at the school gate?    A.No seats for black! B.Congratulations ! C.Let her in! D.Welcome! (3)Why did Mr.Rockwell create the painting?    A.To celebrate Ruby's success. B.To present his painting skills. C.To praise the four police officers. D.To show the serious social problem in the US. (4)What lesson did Ruby learn in first grade?    A.Fight for your rights. B.Intelligence (智商)is valuable. C.Treat people of different colors equally (平等地). D.Get help from the police when in trouble. 3.(8 分)Everything is made of something.Nothing is made of nothing. Chemistry is about the smallest things that other bigger things are made of ,and what happens when they change.The word chemistry comes from chemical ,which is an example of one type of the very small things that other bigger things are made of.The words you are reading now are made of a dark liquid called ink (墨 水),which is written on paper.The paper itself is made out of the chemicals that wood is made out of.Both the ink and the paper were made by different chemical processes.A chemical process is what happens when chemicals come together to make other chemicals,and therefore other things. Cooking makes chemical changes.Your different ingredients are made of different chemicals ,and when you put them together and make them hot and cook them , the chemicals change into new chemicals and the different ingredients make something new.That tomato sauce you're making is made of tomatoes , onions , garlic , salt and pepper.Those ingredients each have their own chemicals and their own flavors,but now with your sauce you've made something different,something that has its own flavor,all the ingredients mixed together,all the chemicals mixed together,something new. You can smell the chemical changes,too,as they go up into your nose,especially when you forget about your sauce and it doesn't

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