宁波市 2018 年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 一、完形填空 It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become,____1____ an accident made me redefine (重审)myself. To me, skating was above all. There was ____2____ in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practicing my ___3___. Having no social life or interests but skating, my devotion( 挚 爱) brought me first place medals in nearly every ___4___. Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself ___5___. After several X-rays and MRI(磁共 振)scans, the___6___(told)Tie that I couldn't return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the___7___daily tasks became difficult. As my passion(激情)was____8____, I had little sense of who I was to become. After eight months of suffering , something had to ___9___. Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my___10___into local community service projects. By volunteering ___11___ a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids, I got an idea of who I___12___to become. After a few months, I devoted time to my interest in the arts. Little by Little, I___13___out of the shadow( 阴影)and rebuilt my confidence. Sometimes, some___14___rocks block (阻碍)our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock that ___15___ to stop me from reaching success. Today I’m a very confident and optimistic person. 1. A. and B. but 2. A. everything 3. A. skills C. or D. so B. something B. behaviors C. nothing C. thoughts 4. A. meeting B. party C. concert 5. A. quickly B. softly C. badly 6. A. waiter B. doctor 7. A. useful B. basic 8. A. found out 9. A. change B. brought back B. remain C. leave D. habits D. competition D. slowly C. teacher C. proper D. anything D. policeman D. busy C. waken up D. arrive D. taken away 10. A. energy 11. A. with B. duty B. for 12. A. wanted 13. A. ran 14. A. small C. wealth C. as B. started B. jumped B. large 15. A. managed D. to C. promised C. stood C. ugly B. helped D. spirit D. lived D. stepped D. round C. failed D. continued 二、阅读理解 (A) As long as everyone contributes a little, the world 吐 ll become a much better place. Most people are kind-hearted and want to lend a helping hand. Now let's share some memorable moments. Linda: Once, when I was on my way back to my hometown, I lost my purse without even knowing it. I was told over the train’s loudspeaker that my purse was at the railway station's lost and found office. But the train had already started. Seeing my helplessness, a kind hostess offered to lend me some money. I went back to the railway station and got my purse. I am still thankful to the railway staff and the person who found my purse. Scott: When I was a little boy, there was a time when I went to fish with my elder sister. All of a sudden, I slipped into the river. The next thing I remember is my father holding me in the hospital. Today I still don’t know who got me out of that river. I have been trying to help other people whenever I can all these years. Tina: One of my neighbors is an old man who cannot speak. He makes money by recycling waste. Our other neighbors don't like his behavior. But in my opinion, it's his way to support his family. Once, after cleaning my house, I placed some cardboard boxes in his garden and left my rubbish beside my door. However, when I was about to go out, I found nothing outside my door but a note: "I have thrown away your rubbish. You are a nice girl. Thanks a lot!" 16. According to the passage above, we know that A. the hostess found Linda's purse B. Linda knew where she lost her purse C. Scott still doesn't know who got him out of the river D. some cardboard boxes were stolen by Tina's neighbor 17. The writer is trying to tell us the value of A. health B. kindness C. money D. safety 18. The passage above is probably a . A. report B. diary C. novel D. letter (B) I graduated from college recently and moved to Washington by myself. While I was in college, it was really easy to meet new people. But "out in the real world", I was finding it really hard. I live in a big city, and it seems like everyone around me is busy or already has all the friends they want. I was feeling so discouraged(沮丧的)and I didn't know what to do, so I called my sister for some advice. My sister is five years older than I am, so she's been through all this already. She's been helping me

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