2013 年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷 I .听力技能(三个部分,共 13 小题,计 20 分)第一节根据所听内容,选择相应的圈画 . (共 13 小题,每小题 1 分) 1.(1 分) 2.(1 分) 3.(1 分) 4.(1 分) 5.(1 分) 6.(1 分)What color is Mary's dress? A.Yellow. B.Blue. C.Red. 7.(1 分)Where is No.1Middle School? A.It's in front of the post office. B.It's next to the post office. C.It's across from the post office. 8.(1 分)When was Mike bom? A.On January 5,1998. B.On June 15,1999. C.On July 5,1998. 9.(1 分)How much is Bill's T﹣shirt? A.Five dollars. B.Seven dollars. C.Nine dollars. 10.(1 分)How often does Lucy go to the library? A.Every day. B.Every week. C.Every month. 11.(2 分)听下面的对话,回答第 11,12 小题. 11.How was Tim's last weekend? A.Boring. B.Tiring. C.Great. 12.What did Tim do last weekend? A.He went to the movies with his friends. B.He went to the library with his parents. C.He stayed at home and cleaned his room. 12.(3 分)听下面的对话,回答第 13〜15 小题. 13.When did Jack go to the science museum? A.Last week. B.Last month. C.Last year. 14.What did Jack think of the science museum? A.Interesting. B.Bad. C.Wonderful. 15.Who did Jack go there with? A.His father. B.His brother. C.His uncle. 13.(5 分)听下面一段材料,将第 16 至第 20 小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过三个单 词. Name Favorite subject Reason Time (16)   . art relaxing Tuesday Sally (17)   . fun (18)   . Tina (19)   . (20)   . Thursday . 单项填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的答案填空. 14.(1 分)There is apple in the bag and it is for my little brother.(  ) A.a. B.an. C.the. 15.(1 分)Lisa likes collecting things.She has collected 35 A.ball. B.kite. so far.(  ) C.pens. 16.(1 分)Three children from Ya'an have got free education with the help of volunteers in Huaihua. are very lucky.(  ) A.They. B.Them. C.Their. 17.(1 分)﹣How do you study for a test? ﹣I study working with my classmates.(  ) A.of. B.on. 18.(1 分)In my opinion,Tara is A.smart. C.by. than her sister.(  ) B.smarter. C.smartest. 19.(1 分)﹣Why do you like pandas? ﹣ they're lovely.(  ) A.But. 20.(1 分)Look!The children B.So. C.Because. nutritional lunch(营养午餐)happily.(  ) A.eat. B.are eating. C.ate. 21.(1 分)﹣Whose notebook is this? ﹣It be Jane's.It has her name on it.(  ) A.may. B.must. 22.(1 分)Tea C.can. by the Emperor Shen Nong,and now it's very popular in the world.( ) A.invented. B.inventing. C.was invented. 23.(1 分)Could you tell me ?(  ) A.where Zhijiang Airport is. B.where is Zhijiang Airport. C.Zhijiang Airport is where. 完形填空(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分) 24 . ( 10 分 ) Once I went to my classmate's home to play . When lunchtime came , my (31)  classmate said he had to (32)      his parents and ask them where they put his But I found he dialed(拨电话号码)the phone number twice when he called his parents.When he dialed the (33)    time,he hung up(挂断)after three rings.And then he dialed the second time and began to talk. "Was the line busy the first time ? "I asked . "No . ""Did you forget what you were doing when you first called?""No.""Then I can't understand (34)    you dialed the phone twice.", My classmate me as (35)   .He told me,"When I call my parents,they want to talk to (36)    as possible,so they run for the phone.Once,in order to answer my phone call,my mother (37)    and hit her foot against the table leg.She couldn't walk for days . After that , I told my parents not to run to answer the .I call first and let the phone ring three times to give (39)    ( 38 ) enough time to prepare." After listening to him , I felt moved . We often show how we care for our with gifts and cards,but are not the everyday gifts the most telling of our love? 31.A.call B.send C.help 32.A.breakfas t B.lunch C.dinner 33.A.first B.second C.third 34.A.when B.where C.why 35.A.shouted B.smiled C.cried ( 40 ) 36.A.clearly B.loudly C.soon 37.A.went away B.fell down C.took out 38.A.light B.window C.phone 39.A.him B.us C.them 40.A.parents B.classmates C.friends. . 闻读技能(三个部分,共 5 小题,计 40 分}第一节阅读短文(共 5 小题,每小题 Z 分) 25.(10 分)判断下列句子是否符合短文内容.符合的写"A",不符合的写"B". Mo Yan,57,became the first Chinese citizen(公民)to win a Nobel Prize in literature(文 学)on October 11,2012. Mo Yan was born in 1955and grew up in Gaomi in Shandong .His parents were farmers.At 12 , he had to leave school and start work , first in the field and then in a factory . In 1976,Mo joined the army and began to study literature. Mo left the army in 1997and later formed (形成) a writing style of his own .His writing shows China's culture about country areas and village lire. Mo enjoyed reading books when he was a child

doc文档 2013年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷(学生版) 学霸冲冲冲shop348121278.taobao.com.doc

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