2017 年山东省烟台市中考英语试卷   一、听力测试(20 分)(一)听录音,从 A.B.C 三个选项中选择与画面 一致的选项.录音内容读一遍. 1.(2 分) 2.(2 分) 3.(2 分) 4.(2 分) 5.(2 分) 6.(2 分)A.A week ago. B.Once a week. C.In a week. 第 1 页(共 49 页) 7.(2 分)A.Good luck! B.What a pity! C.Congratulations! 8.(2 分)A.It's Wang Lin's. B.She is Miss Green. C.Its under the desk. 9.(2 分)A.Yes,Ido. B.Sorry,I wont. C.No,I haven't. 10.(2 分)A.A cup of coffee,please. B.A bowl of noodles,please. C.Two slices of bread,please. 11.(4 分)你将听到两段对话,在每段对话后有几个小题.请在每小题所给 的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.每段对话读两遍. 听下面一段对话,回答 11 和 12 小题. 11.What sport does Frank like better? A.Baseball. B.Badminton. C.Soccer. 12.What club will Gina join? A.The swimming club. B.The dance club. C.The chess club. 13.(6 分)听下面一段对话,回答 13 至 15 小题. 13.Where is the science museum? A.At the end of New Star Road. B.Next to the post office. C.Near the bus station. 14.How far is it to the science museum? 第 2 页(共 49 页) A.About five kilometers. B.About nine kilometers. C.About three kilometers. 15.How will the girl go to the science museum? A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By taxi. 16.(10 分)听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格(每空不超过两个单词). 短文读两遍. Daily My Grandfather He goes for a walk in the (16)    activities He comes home for lunch at around (17) A funny o'clock. Two (18)   sent him back home in their car. story My mother felt very (19)   ,but she thanked them. In fact,he (20)   .his way but just got tired.   二、基础知识运用从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案.(10 分) 21.(1 分)Everyone is born A.into,to B.with,to the ability learn.(  ) C.on,in D.with,by 22 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ Could you go swimming with me afternoon,Jane? ﹣ ,but I have to do the chores first.(  ) A.Id like to B.Of course not C.I don't mind D.Its nothing 23.(1 分)﹣Its dangerous to drive after drinking. ﹣That's true.It can increase the of traffic accidents.(  ) A.advantage B.stress C.safety D.risk 24.(1 分)一 ? 第 3 页(共 49 页) this ﹣She is of medium height with blue eyes.(  ) A.How is Rita B.What does Rita like C.What does Rita look like D.How do you like Rita 25.(1 分)You set out alone,or you get lost in the jungle.( ) A.needn't,mayB.mustn't,might C.cant,need D.mustn't,must 26.(1 分)﹣Look at my new smart phone. Wow,its so cool!When and where you it?.(  ) A..do,buy B.have,boughtC.did,buy D.have,had 27.(1 分)Although Yang Liping is a well﹣known dancer ,she still a simple country life.(  ) A.hopes to B.holds on to C.used to D.leads to 28.(1 分)﹣The environment is terrible. 一 I think it will be even worse the government takes actions to protect it.(  ) A.until B.when C.if D.unless 29 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ I's easy to clean up all the trash if we each offer to help. 一 Yes. .(  ) A.Many hands make light work B.There is no smoke without fire C.Where there is a will,there is a way D.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart 30.(1 分)Li Hua is a volunteer.She will put up a sign to remind people to save every drop of water . Which of the following signs should she choose?(  ) 第 4 页(共 49 页) A. B. C. D.   三 、完 形填 空请 根据 短文 内容 从所 给的 四个 选项 中选 出最 佳答 案. ( 15 分) 31.(15 分)It was the last evening of the old year.In the cold and darkness there went (31)   the street a poor little girl ,with bare feet. She carried a small bundle of matches in her hand , and a lot (32)   in her broken apron(围裙).No one had bought any all day long .Trembling with cold and hunger ,the girl walked on and on(33)   poor little child! In a corner,she sat down,but she could not warm herself.She was (34)   to go home,she had earned(赚)not a coin,and perhaps her father would ( 35 )     her , and her home was almost as cold as the street . Her hands were nearly dead with cold . She struck one match against the wall , and held her hands ( 36 )     the flame ( 火 焰 ) . She wanted to warm her small hands . It was quite a magic light . She found herself ( 37 ) before a large iron﹣stove .How warm it was!As the child wanted to warm her feet , the flame ( 38 )     , and the stove disappeared . The little girl sat cold and hungry , with the burnt match in her hand. A second match was lighted . She saw a table ( 39 ) delicious food . The roast goose stood at one end , with knife and folk in her breast,jumped down from the dishes,and came to the poor child . The match was burnt out and only the thick , ( 40 ) wall was beside her. 第 5 页(共 49 页) She struck (41)   match,this time,her gentle and loving grandmother came up , bright and happy as she had never looked during her lifetime. "Grandma!" ( 42 )    the child ,"Oh , take me with you!

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