辽宁省盘锦市 2021 年中考英语试题(解析版) (本试卷共 65 道题 试卷满分 100 分 考试时间 90 分钟) 注意:所有试题必须在答题卡上作答, 在本试卷上作答无效 第 I 卷选择题(共 44 分) 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。 1. Locus usually has ________ egg and some milk for breakfast. A. a B. an C. the D. / 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:劳伊早餐通常吃一个鸡蛋和一些牛奶。 考查冠词辨析。此处表示“一个鸡蛋”,表泛指,且 egg 是以元音音素开头的单词,用不定冠词 an 修饰, 故选 B。 2. Judy and Lily like sports, and ________ often play volleyball after school. A. we B. you C. their D. they 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:Judy 和 Lily 喜欢运动,她们放学后经常打排球。 考查代词辨析。we 我们;you 你们;their 她们的;they 她们。此空在句中作主语,且指代前文“Judy and Lily”,用人称代词 they,故选 D。 3. The little boy hid himself ________ the door to give his sister a surprise. A. behind B. above C. across D. under 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:小男孩藏在门后想给他妹妹一个惊喜。 考查介词辨析。behind 在……后面;above 在……上面;across 穿过;under 在……下面。根据“hid himself … the door to give his sister a surprise.”可知,是藏在门后,故选 A。 4. My car is broken. ________ you please give me a lift? A. Must B. Need C. Should D. Could 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:我的车坏了。你能让我搭个便车吗? 考查情态动词。Must 必须;Need 需要;Should 应该;Could 可以。根据“My car is broken.”可知车 坏了,请求搭便车,用 Could you please ...?句型表示请求。故选 D。 5. When you go abroad, ________ forget to bring your passport. A. always B. hardly C. never D. sometimes 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:当你出国时,别忘了带你的护照。 考查副词辨析。always 总是;hardly 几乎不;never 从不;sometimes 有时。根据“When you go abroad”结合常识可知出国时不要忘记带护照,用 never 符合语境。故选 C。 6. Students in Class One ________ for the singing competition at the moment. A. prepare B. are preparing C. prepared D. are going to prepare 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:一班的学生此刻正在为歌唱比赛做准备。 考查动词时态。根据提示词“at the moment”可知,句子要用现在进行时 is/am/are doing 的结构,故 选 B。 7. You have to pass a test ________ you can get a license. A. before B. after C. while D. until 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:你必须通过考试才能获得执照。 考查连词辨析。before 在……之前;after 在……之后;while 当……时;until 直到。根据“You have to pass a test … you can get a license”可知,先考试,通过之后才能得到执照,故选 A。 8. Hi, Mom moved me to tears. ________ touching the movie was! A. What a B. How a C. How D. What 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:《你好,李焕英》感动得我哭了。这部电影多么感人呀! 考查感叹句。此句是感叹句,中心词 touching 是形容词,用 how 引导的感叹句结构:how+形容词+主 谓,故选 C。 9. If the science fiction ________ into English, it will be popular around the world. A. translates B. is translated C. translated 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:如果这部科幻小说被翻译成英文,它将会在全世界受到欢迎。 D. was translated 考查一般现在时被动语态。if 引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,从句用一般现在时。主语“the science fiction”与动词“translate”之间是被动关系,故此处应填一般现在时被动语态 is/am/are done 的结构,故选 B。 10. We haven’t decided ________. A. that we will repair our house B. when did we go to the party C. where we went on vacation D. whether we will keep a pet 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:我们还没有决定是否要养宠物。 考查宾语从句。此句是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除 B 选项。C 选项是一般过去时,主句也要用过去 的某种时态,而主句 haven’t decided 是现在完成时结构,排除 C;由 haven’t decided 可知,引导词 用 whether 最合语境。故选 D。 二、完形填空(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) 根据短文内容, 从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题 卡的相 应位置。 “Ladies and gentlemen, the time train has arrived at the terminal (终点)!” After the train had stopped, I realized that I had come to the ____11____ 2035. Suddenly, I heard ____12____ calling my name. I turned around and found a robot waving to me. She told me that she would be my tour guide during the trip. “ ____13____ me and I will show you around the city!” she said. Lots of criss-crosing airlanes (纵横交错的空中车道)caught my eyes ____14____ I walked out of the train station. The robot explained that the new traffic system was designed by famous engineers and it had solved the traffic problems completely. I felt a little ____15____ then, so we made our way to a restaurant nearby. Just as I realized that there was no menu, a waiter began to ____16____ my body with a special instrument. It made me so scared that I jumped out of my seat. The robot told me to calm down and explained that the machine was able to find out ____17____ dish suits my body most. At the end of the tour, we went to an amusement park. Amazingly, there were no rides at all. ____18____, everything was run through virtual reality (虚拟现实). I put on a VR headset and tried the roller coaster. It was so real that I could ____19____ my clothes wet with sweat (汗)by nervousness. We finally returned to the train station. Just as I got on the train, I heard a familiar(熟悉 的)_____20_____ . I opened my eyes to see my mom standing over me. “Time to go to school now!” she said. 11. A. hour B. date C. month D. year 12. A. everyone B. no one C. someone D. anyone 13. A. Follow B. Lead C. Stop D. Teach 14. A. as long as B. in order that C. as soon as D. even though 15. A. hungry B. thirs

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