2017 年宁夏中考英语试卷(教师版) 一、听力(共 6 小题,满分 6 分) 1.(1 分)A.Yes,I like it. B.I like music that has great lyrics. C.I like musicians who can write their own words. 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 【点拨】略 2.(1 分)A.That sounds great fun. B.That's all right. C.OK,you are right. 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 【点拨】略 3.(1 分)A.I don't like it. B.It's very nice.Thanks. C.How much is it? 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 【点拨】略 4.(1 分)A.Yes,I have.. B.By listening to tapes.. C.No,I didn't. 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 第 1 页 / 共 30 页 【点拨】略 5.(1 分)A.I think so. B.Yes,I do. C.No,I'm not. 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 【点拨】略 6.(1 分)A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I took a bus. C.I went to school on foot. 【微点】情景反应. 【思路】略 【解析】略 【点拨】略 一、第二节听下面的 5 段短对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出一个最佳答案.听完每段对话后,你有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题.每段对话只读一遍 7.(1 分)How does Tom's brother study for a test? A.By working with friends. B.By listening to tapes. C.By reading the textbooks. 【微点】短对话理解. 【思路】略 【解析】C 【点拨】略 8.(1 分)What is Tom like now? A.He is very tall. B.He is very heavy. C.He is very strong. 【微点】句子理解. 第 2 页 / 共 30 页 【思路】略 【解析】C 【点拨】略 9.(1 分)Does the school allow students to get their ears pierced? A.Yes,it does. B.No,it doesn't. C.We don't know. 【微点】短对话理解. 【思路】略 【解析】B 【点拨】略 10.(1 分)Where are they talking? A.In a bookshop. B.At the bus stop. C.In the police station. 【微点】短对话理解. 【思路】略 【解析】A 【点拨】略 11.(1 分)Whose guitar is it? A.It's Miss Wang's. B.It's the boy's. C.It's Linda's. 【微点】句子理解. 【思路】略 【解析】C 【点拨】略 第三节听下面的 4 段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案.听每段对话 和独白前,你都有 10 秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答 时间.对话或独白读两遍 第 3 页 / 共 30 页 12.(3 分)听第一段材料,回答第 12 至第 14 小题 12.Where are they talking? A.At the cinema. B.On the playground. C.At home. 13.When will the match begin? A.At a quarter past seven. B.At a quarter to seven. C.At a quarter past six. 14.What will the boy do before the game begins? A.Watch TV. B.Go to bed. C.Do his homework. 【微点】短文理解. 【思路】略 【解析】CAC 【点拨】略 13.(3 分)听第二段材料,回答第 15 至第 17 小题. 15.Whose is the toy car? A.Jane's sister's B.Jane's. C.Mary's. 16.What color is Mary's dress? A.Red. B.Blue. C.Orange. 17.What does Dave like? A.Reading. B.Classical music. C.Playing football. 【微点】短文理解. 第 4 页 / 共 30 页 【思路】略 【解析】ACB 【点拨】略 14.(3 分)听第三段材料,回答第 20 至第 22 小题 18.What club will they join? A.The art club B.The music club. C.The English club. 19.What does Kathy want to do to join the club? A.To improve her English reading B.To improve her English grammar. C.To improve her spoken English. 20.What day does the club meet? A.Both on Monday and Wednesday. B.Only on Monday. C.Both on Monday and Friday. 【微点】短文理解. 【思路】略 【解析】CCA 【点拨】略 15.(5 分)听第四段材料,回答第 21 至第 25 小题 21.Why did Mr.Smith ask the shopkeeper to send a lot of roses to the girl? A.Because she asked him to do so B.Because he wanted to show his love to her C.Because she loved flowers very much 22.How old was the girl? A.Twenty﹣four. B.Fourteen. C.Thirty﹣four. 23.Why did the shopkeeper send more roses to the girl? A.He wanted to be friendly to Mr.Smith. 第 5 页 / 共 30 页 B.He wanted to make more money. C.He liked the girl very much,too. 24.What do you think the girl would feel when she received the flowers? A.She would be glad. B.She would be surprised. C.She would be angry. 25.What did the shopkeeper make? A.A big mistake. B.Some money. C.Two good friends. 【微点】短文理解. 【思路】略 【解析】BAACA 【点拨】略 二、选择填空(本大题共 15 小题.每小题 1 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一 个可以填入空白处的最佳选项 16.(1 分)The boy likes music that he can dance ________.(  ) A.with B.from C.to D.on 【微点】常用介词的辨析. 【思路】这个男孩喜欢他能伴着跳舞的音乐. 【解析】答案:C,考查常用介词.句意"这个男孩喜欢他能伴着跳舞的音乐."with 带 有,伴随;from 从,来自;to 到,向;on 在上面.根据句意伴随某种音乐跳舞,用 dance to,故选 C. 【点拨】理解各个选项的含义,根据具体内容作答. 17 . ( 1 分 ) She thinks the best way ________ English is ________ English magazines . ( ) A.to learn,read B.to learn,by reading C.learn,reading D.learning,read 【微点】方式介词;不定式. 【思路】她认为学习英语最好的方法就是阅读英语杂志. 【解析】答案:B.根据 the best way ________ English,可知这里考查了短语 the best 第 6 页 / 共 30 页 way to do sth 做某事最好的方式,to 引导不定式做定语;by+doing 是通过…的意思,在 这里做某事的方式.故选 B. 【点拨】本题考查了动词不定式的用法.解答时注意:the best way to do sth 做某事最好 的方式,to 引导不定式做定语. 18.(1 分)________ used to ________ a post office near my house.(  ) A.There; be B.There; have C.It; be D.There; having 【微点】there be 句型. 【思路】以前有一个邮政局在我家附近. 【解析】答案:A.结合 used to 联想到 used to do sth 过去常常,there be 表示有,故 there used to be,故选 A. 【点拨】 There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构.疑问句形式是将 be 或 will/have/can/must 等助动词、情态动词提至 there 之前,否定形式则直接在 be 或助动词、 情态动词后加 not,因此要表达"某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人 "的时候常 用"There be+名词+地点(时间)这一句型. 19.(1 分)Beijing is one of the ______ in the world toda

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