2011 年新疆、生产建设兵团中考英语试卷 一、听力 1 . ( 10 分) 1 . 2.    3.    4.    5.   . 6.(1 分)A.Yes,I'd love to.B.No,I can't. C.Thank you for telling me. 7.(1 分)A.Yes,I am. B.I've a headache. C.No,I don't. 8.(1 分)A.No,it's too hot.B.You are welcome.C.Good idea. 9.(1 分)A.It's Monday. B.It's June 1st. C.It's sunny. 10.(1 分)A.Yes,please do.B.Of course not. C.No,please don't. 11.(2 分)What color are Lucy's pants? A.Blue. B.White. C.Green. 12.(2 分)What does Jack's father like? A.Fishing. B.Running. C.Reading. 13.(2 分)What TV program does the man like best? A.TV plays B.Sports shows. C.Animal world. 14.(2 分)How long has the man learnt English? A.For 5 years. B.For 3 years. C.For 6 years. 15.(2 分)What does the man want? A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water. 16.(10 分)16.How old was Jack? A.Nine. B.Twelve. C.Ten. 17.Did Jack study hard? A.Yes,he did. B.No,he didn't.C.We don't know. 18.What were Jack's parents? A.Doctors. B.Teachers. C.Farmers. 19.What did Jack want to be? A.Policeman. B.Cleaner. C.Pilot. 第 1 页(共 30 页) 20.When the cleaner come to Jack's home every week? A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Thusrsday. 二、单项选择 21.(1 分)There is "u"and A.an,an B.a,aC.an,a "h"in the word hour.(  ) D.a,an 22.(1 分)﹣September 10th is Day in China,isn't it? ﹣Yes,it is.(  ) A.A Teacher B.Teachers' C.Teacher D.Teachers 23.(1 分)﹣Look,whose pen is that?. .I'm looking for it.(  ) ﹣It's A.mine B.my C.yourD.her 24 . ( 1 分 ) Tom didn't go to bed he finished his homework last night.(  ) A.after B.when C.untilD.while 25.(1 分)lucy is not good at dancing,but she can sing A.good .(  ) B.bad C.well D.nice 26.(1 分)There a sheep and two cows on the farm eating grass.( ) A.are B.is C.have D.has 27.(1 分)You can hardly understand me, A.can't you?(  ) B.can C.are D.don't 28.(1 分)﹣Must I finish the work today?﹣No,you A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't .(  ) D.can't 29.(1 分)一 Where is your father,Tim? ﹣He A.water the flowers in the garden now.(  ) B.waters C.is watering D.watered 30.(1 分)Can you tell me ?(  ) A.where does he live B.where did he live C.where is he living D.where he lives 31.(1 分)The twins were born A.inH: B.on C.at the morning of May 1st.(  ) D.of 第 2 页(共 30 页) 32.(1 分)It snowed heavily this morning,but of us was late for school.(  ) A.bothB.all C.none D.either 33.(1 分)The man gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.(  ) A.who B.which C.what D.where 34.(1 分)I don't know how to keep healthy,can you give me ?( ) A.an advice B.lots of advices C.a few advices D.some advice 35.(1 分)﹣ will your mother come back? 一 In two days.(  ) A.How often B.How soon 36.(1 分) C.How long D.How far people died in Wen Chuan earthquake.It's terrible.( ) A.Thousand B.Thousands of C.Thousand of D.Two thousands 37.(1 分)They won't go camping if it A.rain B.is raining C.rains 38.(1 分)Many trees tomorrow.(  ) D.will rain already because a new hospital will be built here soon.(  ) A.has cut down C.cut down B.has been cut down D.have been cut down 39.(1 分) A.How B.How a bad weather it is!(  ) C.What D.What a 40.(1 分)The Chang Jiang River is A.the longest B.long C.longer river in China.(  ) D.longest 三、完形填空 41 . ( 10 分 ) At noon , it was very hot because the sun was very strong . Johnny was too tired to ( 41 )     There were no trees near the 第 3 页(共 30 页) road,(42)   he had a rest under a Big rock (岩石).Alter he (43) some water , Johnny took off his shirt . He lay down on the ground and fell(44)   at once. He was so tired (45)     he did not wake up until the evening .He was going to jump up , suddenly he ( 46 )     something moving near his feet . He looked down and saw a long black snake , Johnny was so that he did not dare to move.The (48)  ( 47 )   began to crawl (爬)beside him . It crawled on and on until it disappeared under the rocks . Johnny jumped up (49)    and nervously,picked up his (50)   and ran off down the road. 41.A.take 42.A.so 43.A.took 44.A.sleeping B.come B.but B.made B.asleep C.make C.and C.drank C.slept D.walk D.or D.kept D.sleep 45.A.what B.that C.why D.which 46.A.knew 47.A.excited B.understood B.tired C.studied C.frightened D.felt D . happ C.monkey y D . mous C.angry e D.angril C.shirt y D.shoes 48.A.snake 49.A.quickly 50.A.handbag B.cat B.quick B.hat . 四、阅读理解 51.(10 分) A Many young people want to be pop stars . Pop stars are rich . Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life .In fact,they have very hard li

doc文档 2011年新疆自治区、生产建设兵团中考英语试卷及解析.doc

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