2021 年贵州省贵阳市中考英语试卷 第一部分完形填空 共两节,16 小题: 每小题 6 分,共 16 分 第一节阅读下面一篇短文,从短文前的选项中选 出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。 1.(6 分)从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 A.time 5 B.better C.plans D.watch E.and F.take up G.themselves Do you know what a resolution is ? It's a kind of promise.Most of the time , we make promises to other people.However,promises you make to yourself are resolutions ,(1)   the most common kind is New Year's resolutions.The start of the year is often a(2)    for making resolutions.We hope that we are going to improve our lives.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.This helps them to remember their resolutions. 10 Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and (3)    . There are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example ,some people promise (4) they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.Many resolutions have to do with self﹣ improvement.These are about making yourself a (5 )     person.Some people might say they are going to ( 6) a hobby like painting or taking photos , or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better 15 planning,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.For example,a student may have to find more time to study. 第二节阅读下面一篇短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 2.(10 分)It is not always easy to discover yourself.From a young age,I had a strong sense of who I would become ﹣ but an (1)    changed everything. 20 To me,skating was more important than anything else in the world.Nothing else filled my heart with so much (2) .I spent twenty﹣four hours a week developing my skills.I had no (3)    life or interests other than skating.But I was rewarded with first place medals in nearly every competition. 5 第 1 页(共 11 页) ( 4 )     , during one competition , I fell and was badly injured.The doctor told me that I couldn't skate anymore.The pain in my back was hard to bear and even basic daily tasks became (5)    . 25 My passion (激情) had been taken away.I lost (6)    and had no idea what I would become.After eight months of suffering,something had to change.Instead of sitting around and (7)    my days,I began to work with local community service projects.By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids,I(8)   an idea of who I wanted to become.After a few months ,I found a new interest.Little by little ,I stepped out of the shadow and rebuilt my confidence. 30 Sometimes , challenges in life will get in our way.We can ( 9 )     to stay behind or try to get past these challenges.My accident was a challenge that failed to stop me from reaching success.Today ,I'm a very confident and optimistic person. 35 (1)A.exam B.accident C.illness (2)A.joy B.pride C.experience (3)A.simple B.social C.comfortable (4)A.Unluckily B.Finally C.Recently (5)A.strange B.relaxing C.difficult (6)A.power B.heart C.chance (7)A.wasting B.valuing C.enjoying (8)A.got B.knew C.heard (9)A.learn B.choose C.refuse 第二部分 阅读理解 共三节, 22 小题(含第卷第三节 5 小题):每小题 8 分,共 44 分第一节阅读下面三个语 篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 3.(8 分) The Olympic Games began in ATHENS Athens is the capital of Greece.It was the host 10 第 2 页(共 11 页) Olympia,in ancient Greece.They were city of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.The made up of many sports.They still exist games took place in the Panathenaic Stadium. today. BEIJING These runners are taking part in the Beijing is the capital of China.It hosted the 2008 modern Olympics. Olympic Games.The opening ceremony was in the At the ancient Olympics there were National Stadium.It is also called "the Bird's Nest". wrestling matches. Some athletes hurled a discus as far as they could. LONDON London is the capital of Great Britain.It has hosted the Olympic Games three times ( in 1908 , 1948 Another popular Olympic sport was the and 2012 ) , more than any other city.The games long jump. took place in the Wimbledon Stadium. Men raced around a track in chariots pulled by horses. The modern Olympics are held all over the world. Only the best athletes take part. (1)How many sports are mentioned in this material?     A.Three. 40 B.Four. C.Five. (2)Which city held the first modern Olympic Games?     A.Athens. B.Beijing. 45 C.London. (3)The opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games was in    . A.the National Stadium B.the Panathenaic Stadium C.the Wimbledon Stadium 15 第 3 页(共 11 页) 50 (4)This material is most probably taken from    . A.a storybook B.a ma

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