兰州市 2011 年初中毕业生学业考试试卷 英语(A) 注意事项: 1.全卷共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 2.考生必须将姓名、准考证号、考场、座位号等个人信息填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置。 3.考生务必将答案直接填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 80 分) 一、听力理解(分四小节,共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 第一节:根据你所听到的内容结合所给图片,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择能准确回答所给问题的 选项。每个小题读两遍。现在你有 20 秒钟时间浏览每个问题和图片。 1. What’s the lovely cat doing? 2. What instrument has she been practicing for many years? 3. How does your father usually go from Shanghai to Beijing? 4. What’s her favorite fruit after supper? 5. When does he get home? 第二节:情景反应:听下面 5 个情景句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个恰当的应答语。每个 句子读两遍。现在你有 20 秒钟时间浏览各个选项。 6. A.No, you may not. B.Yes, you can. C.Glad to meet you, Miss Smith. My name is Jim Green. 7. A.I’m sorry, I don’t know. B.How do you do? C.Just fine. Thanks. 8. A.The post office? Sorry, I’m not sure. B.It doesn’t matter. C.That’s all right. 9. A.No, I won’t. B.Yes,with pleasure. C.It’s very kind of you. 10.A.I’d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. B.I’m terribly sorry. C.I am a stranger here. 第三节:听下面 5 段小对话和问题,根据你所听到的内容,从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一 个能恰当回答所提问题的选项。每段对话读两遍。现在你有 20 秒钟的时间浏览各个选项。 11.A.At two o’clock. B.At eleven o’clock. 12.A.She went to bed late last night. C. At nine o’clock. B.She didn’t go home. C.She didn’t sleep last night 13.A.He goes for a walk. B.He plays tennis. 14.A.It will leave at ten. C.He watches TV. B.It will leave at eleven. C.It will leave at twenty to twelve. 15.A.Because she will not go to school tomorrow. B. Because the man is smiling. C. Because she wants to make the man smile. 第四节:听下面一段短文,根据其内容及所给问题选择正确答案,短文读两遍。现在你有 20 秒钟 时间浏览各个选项。 16.What did Mr.and Mrs.Jones do last Saturday? A.They drove a car. B.They stayed at home. C.They went to film. 17. Did Mr.and Mrs.Jones have a good time there? A.No,they didn’t. B.Yes,they did. C.They seldom had. 18.How did Mr.and Mrs.Jones go home after the film? A.They went home on foot. B.They went home in their car. C.They went home by bus. 19.Why did Mr.Jones ask the woman if she needed help? A.Because he thought she was in trouble. B.Because he saw she was tired. C.Because it was quite dark. 20.Who usually washes the dishes? A.The one who is faster. B.The one who gets home later. C.The one who is stronger. 二、单项选择题(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下列各题,从题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 21.You’ve just finished your listening exam. Please get yourself ready for the nest part, ? A.shall we 22. B.will you C.do you D.are you do you have a face-to-face talk with your parent(s)? A.How often B. How soon C. How many 23.One of the difficulties we have D. How much English is how to remember new words and Expressions. A.to learn B.in learning C.learn 24.Our Chinese teacher told us D.learned interesting story and Thomas Edison. A.an;a B.the;the C.a;the D.an;the story was about 25.—How do you like your English teather? —He is great. We all love him. We A.were B.have made friends since three years ago. C.have been D.have become 26. —Hi,Jim! Is this your bike or Mary’s? —It’s mine, not A.her . B.him C.his D.hers 27.We can’t work out the physics problem. Can you tell us A.how to do B.what to do it B.how to do it D.what should to do 28.Mary is used to A.wear a T-shirt and jeans. B.put on C.wearing D.putting on 29.Of the two coasts, she’d like to choose the A.cheapest B.cheaper A.sometime B.some time one to save money for a book. C.more expensive 30.He said he would come to see us 31.There ? D.most expensive the next afternoon. C.sometimes D.some times a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. A.is going to be B.will have C.are going to be D.si going to have 32.—I have changed my job. — . A.So do I B.So have I C.So I do D. So I have 33. —Hello!Can I speak to the headmaster,please? — . A.Who are you, please? C. Who is it, please? B.Of course,you can. D.Sorry,you can’t. 34.In many places in China, the old over 90 not only by their family but also by the government. A.is taking good care C.is taking good care of 35.“Don’t B.are taken good care of D.are taken good care to strangers on your way to and from school”, mother often A.speak;says B. speak;tells C.talk; speaks D.talk;tells 36.Jane is one of the students in the class _____ have ever been to China. to me. A.who B.whose C.which D.whom 37.—May I come in? I’m sorry I am late. —Come in, please. But could you please tell me ______? A.how do you come to school B.what were you doing then C.who you talked with D.why you are late agai

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