2014 年 英 (试 满 准 150 分 考 : 120 分 __________________ 姓 ____________ 座 ________ 注 填 在 本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-61小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用 2B 铅笔 在 书 0.5 毫 第 ( (每 I. Listen and choose the right pictures. (听 1.5 分 30 分) ) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C II. Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (听 ) 5. A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. 6. A. At the police station. B. In the street. C. Near a park. 7. A. A computer programmer. B. A basketball player. C. A reporter. 8. A. How to celebrate Father’s Day. B. How to buy gifts. C. How to camp. 9. A. Kitty. B. Linda. C. Henry. 10. A. Tea. B. Juice. C. Milk. III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to questions 11-16. (听 11-16 小 ) Text A 11. John wants to spend his summer vacation ______. A. doing part-time jobs B. traveling abroad C. studying at home 12. John feels ______ these days. A. excited B. relaxed C. tired 13. The woman finally advises John to go to ______. A. Canada B. France C. Hawaii Text B 14. ______ was a taxi driver. A. Peter B. Mike C. Charles 15. Anna’s husband arrived home ______ that afternoon. A. at 4:15 B. at 4:50 C. at 5:00 16. Anna and her friends couldn’t have the meat for dinner because ______. A. the meat her husband bought went bad B. her husband didn’t help prepare it C. her husband forgot to buy it …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …... 注 IV. Listen to a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words. (听 62-65 小 ) Cities Weather 62.___________ Hong Kong Tokyo Singapore [ 来 :Zxxk.Com] Foggy and humid Dry and windy Cloudy and rainy 65. _____ ______ Lowest temperature ( °C ) 25 Highest temperature ( ) 31 63.___________ 23 28 64. ___________ 29 33 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… °C …... ( ( 1.5 分 30 分 选 、 、 中 V. A B C 17. – Hello, Jeff speaking. May I speak to Mr. Gordon? – ______. He is on business. A. Sorry, he i sn’t in B. Thank you for calling C. Not at all 18. – Is ______ here? – No. Kate is ill in hospital. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone 19. Look! The passenger in front of you ______ games with his HTC One M8. A. is playing B. are playing C. were playing 20. – How do you like the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil? – It’s very ______ . I’m loving it. A. boring B. disappointing C. exciting 21. – What are you going to do this weekend, Laura? – I ______ go to see the movie Coming Home, but I’m not sure. A. must B. need C. might 22. – ______ does it take from our school to the farm by bus? – About one hour and a half. A. How far B. How long C. How often 23. Who’s going to ______ the baby while her mother is away? A. look at B. look after C. look like 24. – Hi, Kimmy. Do you know Jam Hsiao? – Sure. He is a popular singer ______ comes from Taiwan. A. who B. which C. whom 25. I love Xiamen, ______ the weather here. It is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. A. usually B. specially C. especially 26. This June is a special month for me. I’m wondering ______ the beautiful days in middle school. A. what will remind me of B. what will I remind of C. what I will remind of 27. Jimmy______ in Shanghai for seven years. Now he lives abroad with his father. A. studies B. studied C. has studied 28. – It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the get-together if we all volunteer to help. – I quite agree with you. ______. A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light work C. Better late than never VI. 完 A、B、C中 In a great hotel, Tony got up early and was enjoying the first day of his holiday. After ) 29 suddenly he heard a loud, high breakfast he was walking downstairs to the lobby ( 大 cry. A woman named Cathy rushed 30 the lobby and shouted “Help!”. She said she had just woken up in her room and heard someone knock at the door. “I went to 31 the door with a glass full of juice in my hand,” said Cathy. “But then someone at the 32 hit me suddenly and I passed out( 昏 ). When I finally 33 I found my handbag had been stolen.” ). He 34 Cathy to her room and Tony looked at Cathy. Her face was bruised ( 淤 found that the door was wide open. He 35 saw a glass full of juice. At the time, Tony turned to Cathy and said, “I don’t know how you broke your face but I’m pretty sure that you’re 36 ! ” Why does Tony think that? [ 来 :Zxxk.Com] 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. A. when A. outside A. force A. window A. woke up A. led A. still A. playing B. while B. around C. before C. into B. open ( C. close B.

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