2015 年山东省淄博市中考英语试卷   一、单项填空(共 10 小题,满分 10 分)从每小题 A、B、C、D 中选出一个能填入句中 空白处的最佳答案. 1.(1 分)(2015•淄博)﹣I'll go to New York for my summer vacation,Jenny. ﹣It's a good______.Have a good time!(  ) A.exercise B.offer C.promise D.idea 2.(1 分)(2015•淄博)Since Peter isn't here,may I have a message for___?(  ) A.them B.him C.her D.me 3.(1 分)(2015•淄博)The dog ran to the door when it___ Mr.Morgan's steps.(  ) A.saw B.heard C.smelt D.sound 4.(1 分)(2015•淄博)After the football match,the players were very___ and tired.(  ) A.cool B.full C.livelyD.thirsty 5.(1 分)(2015•淄博)﹣___ are you leaving for Shanghai? ﹣Next week.(  ) A.What B.Why C.How D.When 6.(1 分)(2015•淄博)We will have a picnic ________ it doesn't rain tomorrow.(  ) A.though B.unless C.until D.if 7.(1 分)(2015•淄博)John __________ his grandma every day when she was in hospital. (  ) A.visited B.was visiting C.visits D.is visiting 8.(1 分)(2015•淄博)Hurry up!The plane will _______ at six o'clock.(  ) A.put off B.take off C.get off D.turn off 9.(1 分)(2015•淄博)﹣Have you found the book ______ you lost yesterday? ﹣﹣Yes.I left it in the library.(  ) A.that B.who C.where D.when 10.(1 分)(2015•淄博)﹣Excuse me,can you tell me ___________? ﹣﹣Sorry,I'm a stranger here.(  ) A.where is the post office B.where the post office is C.how can I get to the post office D.where can I find the post office   二、完形填空(共 1 小题,满分 10 分) 11.(10 分)(2015•淄博)Mr.Smith gave his wife 10pounds for her birthday﹣ten pretty new pound notes.The day after her birthday,Mrs.Smith went (11)  .She waited for a bus,got on it and sat down next to an old (12)  .After a while,she noticed that the old lady's handbag was open.Inside it,she (13)   a roll of pound notes exactly like the ones her husband had given her.She (14)   looked into her own bag﹣the notes were gone! Mrs.Smith was (15)   that the old lady had stolen them.She thought she should call the police.But she disliked getting other people into (16)  ,so she decided to take back the money from the old lady's handbag and say(17)   more about it.She (18)   the bus 第 1 页(共 24 页) to make sure nobody was watching.Then she carefully put her hand into the old lady's (19)  ,took the notes,and put them in her own bag. When she got home that evening,she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. "(20)   did you pay for it?"he asked. "With the money you gave me for my birthday,of course."She replied. "Oh?What's that,then?"he asked,as he pointed to a roll of ten pound notes on the table. 11.A.swimming 12.A.man 13.A.saw 14.A.successfully 15.A.sure 16.A.danger 17.A.something 18.A.looked upon B.shopping B.farmer B.took B.safely B.happy B.safety B.anything B.looked as 19.A.hand B.bag 20.A.How B.Where   三、阅读理解(共 4 小题,满分 30 分) 21.(8 分)(2015•淄博) C.fishing C.lady C.stole C.hardly C.proud C.trouble C.nothing C.looked for C.pocket C.What 21.Which month is Martin Luther King Jr.Day in?   A.January. B.March. C.August. D.December. 22.Which of the following is RIGHT?   第 2 页(共 24 页) D.hiking D.friend D.put D.quickly D.patient D.anger D.everything D.looked around D.clothes D.When. A.King was born in Tennessee. B.King led a bus boycott in Alabama. C.King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963. D.King gave his"I Have a Dream"speech in 1965. 23.How old was King when he died?   A.29. B.39. C.65. D.68. 24.What's the purpose of the time line in this article?   A.To teach the students to draw a time line. B.To introduce Martin Luther King Jr.Day. C.To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr. D.To explain why whites and blacks were separated. 25.(8 分)(2015•淄博)The tallest building in the United States,the One World Trade Center,opened on November 3,2014in New York.The building is 1,776feet tall,making it the 3rd tallest building in the world.It has 104floors.The building stands in the area where the twin towers of the World Trade Center once stood.On September 11,2001,a group of terrorists destroyed these twin towers and killed nearly 3,000people.It took 8years to build the new One World Trade Center.Does the height of the building in feet reminds you of something in history?The number is the year when the United States declared(宣布) its independence (独立)from Great Britain. One problem with such a tall building is how to clean the windows.Well,a platform(平台) hangs from ropes,and workers on the platform clean windows.On November 12,while two men were busy cleaning windows,a rope of the platform broke near the 68th floor.The two men were saved by cutting a hole in the glass window. The two tallest buildings in

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