江苏省连云港市 2019 年中考英语试题 一、单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A. planet B. camping C. rabbit D. shape 2. If you want to take __________short ride in the city, choose __________shared bike. A. a;/ B. the; the C. a; a D./; a 3. On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the __________110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar A. man B. men C. men's D. mens' 4. According to the notice, guests at this hotel __________use the sports center at no extra cost. A. can B. should C. must D. need 5. US scientist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two people, 65% of _________ is done through body language. A. application B. pronunciation C. introduction D. communication 6. While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________moments. A. humorous B. challenging C. dangerous D. surprising 7. Through the stories behind the idioms, we would be able to fully __________China's culture, history and tradition. A. understand B. search C. compare D. imagine 8. It's reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo __________ from 100% recycled material. A. are making B. have made C. is made D. will be made 9. _________ we didn't win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work. A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because 10. April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire __________at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. A. broke out B. carried out C. gave out D. ran out 11. -___________ have you worked here? -For just one month. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How much 12. StorySign is ___________ a useful app __________ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories. A. so ... that B. such ... that C. too ... to D. as ... as 13. After the new high-speed railway line began operations, the time on the trip from Lianyungang to Qingdao now is much less than __________in the past. A. one B. this C. that D. it 14. -Excuse me, I'm afraid we're lost. Could you tell us __________? -Sure. Go along the street for about 15 minutes, and then you'll see it. A. how can I get to Wanda Shopping Mall B. where Wanda Shopping Mall is C. how far is Wanda Shopping Mall D. where is Wanda Shopping Mall 15. -I don't know what to say at the interview. -_________________. Just be polite and answer honestly. A. Don't mention it B. It's a pleasure 1 / 10 C. Don't worry D. OK, thanks 二、完形填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste theme store is about 16 people with a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products to help them start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey. "Zero waste" or "danshari" was first 17 by a French woman Bea Johnson. "Live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different methods to protect the earth." she said. Yu Yuan, 27, is 18 attracted by this idea. She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be. a customer without thinking a lot. 19__ she saw a video about "zero waste" The 20 is about a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar. After watching the video, Yu wanted to 21 this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend. Yu says that a zero-waste life 22 the 6R principle --Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot(腐烂) Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero waste 6R, she and her boyfriend Joe Harvey both 23 only two cans of rubbish. Now, the couple have opened a small 24 called The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, to support a zero-waste life. At the store they use environmentally friendly products. For example, they use wood products to replace 25 ones and prepare cloth bags printed with zero-waste logos for customers. Most of the products sold in the store can be reused, and a small number of 26__ which are not recyclable can degrade(分解). The store 27 has secondhand books and audio-visual CD/DVDs. For used toiletries (things like soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself) there is a company which accepts them, and the couple regularly mails their waste to it. Yu says that those who were once not 28 in the zero-waste lifestyle have gradually changed because of curiosity. The zero-waste lifestyle, she adds, is for everyone. "It's 29 us at our fingertips." Yu expects some of her friends to 30 her on the r

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