2016 年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷 Ⅰ.Multiple choice(本题共 30 分,每小题 1 分)Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to the meaning of the sentence. 1.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣What do you like? ﹣I like playing tennis and running.(  ) A.subjects B.music C.sports 2.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Please lend English book to .(  ) A.your,me B.you,me C.you,I 3.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣What's matter with you? ﹣I have fever.(  ) A.an,the B.the,/ C.the,a 4.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)He has failed times,but he won't give up a chance.(  ) A.third,four B.three,fourth C.third,fourth 5.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)After dinner,he used to computer games,but now he gets used to .(  ) A.play,walk B.playing,walking C.play,walking 6.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)I was writing a letter she was making a telephone call.(  ) A.whileB.when C.before 7.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)There some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.(  ) A.are B.is C.have 8.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Here are your gloves,please .(  ) A.put them away B.put it away C.put away them 9.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Not only you but also everyone here watching football matches.(  ) A.likes B.like C.is like 10.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣Can you tell me the of the novel? ﹣Yes,of course, is Mo Yan.(  ) A.name,He B.writer,It C.name,It 11.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Jimmy is growing fast.He is taller than his mother.(  ) A.far B.quite C.very 12.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Let's a noise,someone is sleeping.(  ) A.not make B.no makingC.not to make 13.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣Hi,you walk on the grass. ﹣Sorry,I do it again.(  ) A.can't,will B.needn't,won't C.mustn't,won't 第 1 页(共 22 页) 14.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)We feel like some food and drink because we'll invite some friends in a party.(  ) A.buying,to join B.to buy,joining C.buying,join 15.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣James,would you mind if I use your dictionary? ﹣ .(  ) A.Yes,please B.NO,you'd better not C.Of course not,go ahead 16.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)The pair of trousers me.I'll take it.(  ) A.fit B.fits C.will fit 17.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)She dressed up everyone might notice her.(  ) A.in order to B.in order that C.although 18.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)Tourists because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.(  ) A.will punish B.will be punished C.is punishing 19.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)The girl got the only chance to study abroad. proud her parents felt!(  ) A.How B.What C.What a 20.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)It's time for class,but the bell didn't .(  ) A.go on B.go off C.go through 21.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)The mobile phone sells for¥5,000,it is much more than its real .(  ) A.cost B.value C.price 22.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣Thanks for cleaning the room,boy. ﹣ .In fact,it's my to do so.(  ) A.Not at all,duty B.All right,work C.OK,job 23.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)He the city since he graduated from college.(  ) A.has left B.left C.has been away from 24.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)She is poor afford the expensive suit.(  ) A.so,that B.enough,to C.too,to 25.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)There were many people over there.He asked . (  ) A.what happened B.what was happened C.what did happen 26.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)﹣Who was hurt in the traffic accident? ﹣ .(  ) A.None B.No one C.Nothing 27.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)You'd better not read in the sun, it is bad for your eyes. (  ) A.and B.but C.or 28.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)He solved the problem from others.(  ) A.was different B.differently 第 2 页(共 22 页) C.different 29.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔) Journey to the West,she has also read Little Women.( ) A.Besides B.But C.Except 30.(1 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)I wonder if she me when .(  ) A.calls,she arrives B.will call,she arrives C.calls,will she arrive   Ⅱ.Cloze test(本题共 15 分,每小题 15 分)Choose the best answer to complete the passage. 31.(15 分)(2016•齐齐哈尔)The out﹣of﹣door world is (31)______of secrets.There are so many secrets,and they are so interesting that (32)______men and women,boys and girls are busy (33)______them.There are all kinds of animals and plants around us.The facts about how they live and grow (34)______interesting. Do you know that one of the (35)______presidents of the US spent hours and hours studying birds?A businessman lives near New York City.He became so interested in insects that he began to (36)______them.He now has over one hundred different kinds of insects.He keeps them carefully in glass boxes. Now come with me,and I will help you find some of (37)______secrets.Let us go quietly (38)______the forests.Here we shall find how a hare (39)______other hares where there is (40)______.We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones when they try to (41)______food and (42)______for their long winter sleep.We shall watch bees dancing in the air to tell other bees (43)______they c

doc文档 2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及解析.doc

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