2010 年   (15 分 )     (  )⒈ It is ___ difcult work that we can't fnish it in a short time.   A. so B. such C. so a D. such a   (  )⒉ I ___ you ___ left for Shanghai.   A. thought, had B. think, have C. think, had D. thought, have   (   )⒊ I've decided ___ it myself.   A. do B. doing C. did D. to do   (   )⒋ You can't solve the problem ___ this way.   A. by B. in C. on D. to   (  )⒌ I was just leaving the classroom ___ it rained.   A. while B. when C. at D. during   ( )⒍ ___ a big smile on his face, Mr Liu told a piece of good news to his students.   A. In B. Have C. With D. For   (   )⒎ I won't go away ___ I see you.   A. as soon as B. because C. until D. and   (  )⒏ ___ Put / put on your coat, ___ you'll catch a cold.   A. If; or B. You; and C. /; or D. /; and   (  )⒐ Last night I went to bed early but couldn't ___ .   A. get to sleep B. get sleep C. fall sleep D. fall to sleep   (  )⒑ Mrs Li was very angry ___ her son ___ her words.   A. with; with B. to; with C. with; at D. with; to   (  )⒒ Would you please ___ me?   A. not trouble   B. not to trouble   C. to not trouble   D. don't trouble   (   )⒓ How are you getting ___ with your classmates?   A. on B. up C. down D. to   (   )⒔ So far, we ____ English for nearly three years.   A. learn B. learnt C. have learnt D. had learnt   (  )⒕ Mr Yao is a good friend of ___ .   A. my B. my father C. my fathers' D. my father's   (  )⒖ Fujian is ___ the southeast of China.   A. at B. to C. on D. in 完 (10 分 )   , 指   One day, some workers were mending the road. They had dug a big hole in the road. As they could not 1 their work, they had put up notice boards on both sides of the hole before they 2 . On the boards they wrote the word DANGER in order to warn people not to drop into the hole.   Some time 3 , a blind man was walking 4 the road. He was just walking in the direction of the hole. As he could not see the notice, 1 he was walking 5 to the hole. He was very close to it now. Just at that moment, a boy saw the man and 6 up to him. "7 !"the boy shouted, "Don't go any farther, or you'll fall 8 the hole."After he heard this, the blind man stopped 9 . Then the boy took the man by the arm and led him safely around the hole. "Thanks a lot,"said the man, "You're really a 10 boy."   ( )⒈ A. fnish B. prepare C. do D. start   ( )⒉ A. left B. begin C. stopped D. came   ( )⒊ A. ago     ( )⒋ A. to B. along C. away from D. out of   ( )⒌ A. near and near B. nearer and nearer   C. far and far D. farther and farther   ( )⒍ A. walked B. came C. ran D. went   ( )⒎ A. Hello B. Oh C. Help D. Stop   ( )⒏ A. in B. to C. into D. at   ( )⒐ A. at last B. at once C. at frst D. at that time   ( )⒑ A. nice B. bad C. naughty D. clever 阅 B. before C. past D. later (30 分 )     (A)   I felt very tired when I came home from work. I fell asleep while my one year-old son was playing his toy. After a while, a loud knock at the door woke me up. Ah, my little son tried to open the door. From the window, he saw a kite flying in the sky. Oh, it's quite a nice kite! I got up and looked out of the window. Two boys were flying the kite. I took my son out to the yard. "I'm glad to see you."I asked one boy, "Would you please tell me in which shop you bought the kite? My son likes it very much and I want to buy one for him.""We made it ourselves.""If he likes, he can take it,"said the other boy. "Thank you just the same, little boy. I'm going to make a kite for him. Thank you!"   , 指 2   (   )⒈ How many people are there in this passage?   A. Two. B. Four C. Three. D. Five.   (   )⒉ Who is the oldest?   A. The writer. B. The little boy. C. The son. D. The boys.   (   )⒊ Who made the kite?   A. The son. B. The writer.   C. A worker. D. The boys.   (   )⒋ Who likes the kite very much?   A. Father. B. Mother. C. The son. D. The boys.   (   )⒌ How old is the son?   A. One year. B. One year old. C. One old. D.A year. (B)   Billy had a nice shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewellery, watches, clocks and so on. All went well some years, and then a thief stole a lot of jewellery from his shop twice in one month at night. Three weeks passed, yet the police still didn't catch the thief. So Billy decided to try to do something about it himself. He bought a good camera and fxed it up in his shop and put some cheap jewellery in front of it for the thief, so that it could take a photo of anyone who stole the jewellery.   A few nights later the thief

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