黑龙江省龙东地区 2020 年中考 (农垦·森工)英 语 试 题 考生注意: 1.考试时间 120 分钟 2.全卷共六道大题,总分 120 分 第一部分 语言知识运用 I. Multiple choice Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence. 1.Wu Jing is ________ great actor, like ________ role he played in The Climbers. A. a;the B. a;a C. the;a 2.—Lots of people like to give out Hongbao to each other on Wechat. —That's true. I've just received ________ from my friend. A. it B. that C. one 3.My son is ________ years old. Today is his ________ birthday. A. twelve;twelve B. twelve;twelfth C. twelfth;twelve 4.Look at the big and clean room. It’s ________. A. Lucy’s and Lily’s B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily 5.— Many doctors and nurses went to Hubei in February. — Hubei is far from Heilongjiang. It’s ________ the south of China, ________ the south of Henan. A. in;to B. on;to C. in;on 6.He asked ________ Betty came home late last night. A. weather B. whether C. where 7.Gift shop had been ________ when we got there. A. close B. to close C. closed 8.—Mum, ________ I do my homework tonight? —No, you ________. But you must finish it before Sunday. A. need; mustn’t B. must; needn’t C. must; mustn’t 9.—Kate, don't forget to ________ the light when you leave the room. —OK, mom. A. cut off B. put off C. turn off 10.—________ have you been in hospital, Frank? —Fourteen days. A. How soon B. How often C. How long 11.Treasure Island is the most ________ novel ________ I have read A. interesting;which . B. interesting;that C. interested;that 12.________ amazing the story is! I want to read it again. . A How B. What C. What an 13.We should do what we can ________ those people when they are in trouble. A. to help B. helped C. help 14.The policeman asked the little boy if ________ his home. A. he could find B. could he find C. he can find 15.—I'm sorry, mom. I made a mistake in the exam. —________. Be careful next time. A. You'd better not. B. It's too terrible. C. It doesn't matter. 16.It has been two months since my father ________ for Italy. A. was left B. left C. leaves 17.—No one can tell when they ________. —When they ________, I’ll let you know at once. A. return; will arrive B. will return; reach C. will return; arrive 18.I ________ Ding Talk ________ Tencent Meeting, What about you? A. prefer;to B. would rather;than C. like;than 19.Spending time with families ________ the happiest thing. A. are B. is C. be B. C. 20.Which sign means "No eating"? A. II. Close test Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Dear daddy, Hey! How's everything ___21___? It's been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still ___22___ the day before you left? I remember I saw the luggage(行李)in your bedroom. I asked you, “Are you going to leave ___23___ business?” You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, “I'm just tidying up some clothes.” Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to ___24___ to Wuhan and were waiting for a phone call. At that moment, I hoped ___25___ of you would get the call. ___26___, your phone still rang. I almost cried out, as if I were going to Wuhan myself. The next morning, I got ___27___ early. During breakfast, you smiled and asked me if I ___28___ miss you. I pretended(假装)it was no big ___29___ and said, “I can send you a message whenever I miss you. ” When you were leaving, I waved(挥手)to you ___30___ I couldn't see you anymore. Tears flowed down my face. I later realized it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down “Waiting for you to come back” in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you ___31___ than I did. At night, mom sent me some photos of you and the rest of the medical team. I found you in the photos ___32___ . I pointed you out and shouted, “Hey, this is my daddy!” I was so proud of you! After you left, I paid more attention ___33___ the battle(战役)against the new coronavirus(冠状病毒). I wondered whether you would take good care of ___34___. Daddy, remember to exercise and get ___35___ rest. We all miss you every day. I love you, my superhero, forever and ever. Kathy Feb 15, 2020 21. A. go B. going C. to go 22. A. remember B. realize C. forget 23. A. to B. on C. for 24. A. send B. sent C. be sent 25. A. neither B. both C. either 26. A. But B. However C. And 27. A. on B. off C. up 28. A. would B. will C. shall 29. A. smile B. deal C. laugh 30. A. unless B. if C. until 31. A. many B. much C. more 32. A. just now B. at once C. at last 33.

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