Qiao Shang ADDRESS: No.67,Lane123,Job Rd. Job Distrinct,Shanghai,China 200070 CELL-PHONE: (+86) 138-0013-8000 E-MAIL: service@qiaobutang.com CARRER AIM Logistics EDUCATION BACKGROUND 2004-008 Logistics management Business School East China University of Science and Technology INTERN-SHIP 2007.7-2007.8 DC department of Estee Lauder Co.Ltd Intern • Five different position internship: receipt, shipment, import and export, sorting, labeling • Orbicular studied the department's operation Process • 2007.6- NOW Assist the director of warehouse to calculate the largest single-goods inventories of more than 1,000 pcs Student Super Market The First Manager • Established the system of Super Market operation • Responsibility for normal operation, lead a team with 43 part time job student • After 4 months management,improved the profit from 40RMB/day to 550RMB/day,Add the types of merchandise from 600PCS to 2000PCS • Management two super markets in different region 2006.11-2007.5 ECUST Work-Study Centre First Logistic Department Director • Lead 44 staffs, established a efficient deliver team, serving for five store • Developed logistic system with IT department, transform paper recording to IT system ACTIVITES 2005.3-2006.6 Management Business Association Deputy Chairman • The largest association in our campus • Organized more than 30 activities in 2 years, effecting more than 30000 people in total • Maintain the honor of five-star association (3/74 in campus) for three years • During my term, get the “Shanghai star association” title (Select 10 in Shanghai) 2005. 3-2006.6 Student Union(Campus level) The director of PR department • Support more than 10,000 RMB Sponsor to various activities • Improved more 20 member in my department to the leader of different student organization, such as the chairman of student union 2007.10 Special Olympic Games Volunteer • Reception of special Olympic game Canada team,supply translation service • “excellent special Olympic volunteer” (8 in the whole Xuhui District )Awards AWARDS • Excellent leader of the communist youth league • Excellent member of the communist youth league (2005~2006 twice) • Social work in ECUST -- 1st class LANGUAGE AND COMPUTER SKILL • Intermediate interpretation writing certificate, Fluently oral speaking • Be proficient in Microsoft-Office. Proportion: 0.3 % Proportion: 5 % Proportio: 1%

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