【原创精析】2021 届高考英语提分必备—读后续写素材精析与积累(二) 积累篇 Group1 1.Everything I saw dragged my spirits down. 2.The classroom floor was filthy and littered with scraps of paper. 3.His hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my ear, pinching it tightly. Terror gripped me. 4.Traddles frowned, but then his face slowly broke into a smile. 5.My stomach tightened with anxiety. 6.Living with Mr. Creakle lurking round every corner was a nerve-racking experience. 7.They were both dazzled by his gentleman’s appearance and by the way he spoke. 8.My mother was exhausted and pale, for she was crushed both physically and mentally. 9.His courage never faltered. 10.My feet were throbbing after the long walk home. 11.Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problem. 12.The Spring Gala was a real feast for music lovers. 13.Children scampered off the school bus and into the playground 14.He forbade them from mentioning that again. 15.My mother bustled around in the kitchen. Group2 1.Hearing his mother’s death, David wailed (恸哭) miserably. 2.Without financial support, our family is vulnerable to risks. 3.He was in heavy debt, because he’s not shrewd in money matters. 4.This family were short-sighted, indulging themselves in the present. 5.It never rains but pours./Misfortune never comes singly. 6.It felt as if my whole world had been shattered. 7.Hearing the wolf’s roaring, I was terrified/horrified. 8.The whole place was filthy and stank of smoke, and there were swarms of rats. 9.He put a finger to his lips and sneaked upstairs. 10.I realized I had reached a major crossroads in my life. 11.The man leaped at me in a flash, grabbed my throat, and snatched my box. 12.“Give me my things, you thief!” I yelled, running after the cart and choking back sobs of fury and desperation. Group3 1.I was constantly freezing and hungry, and my feet were covered in blisters. 2.Pulling herself together(控制情绪), she rose to her feet and waved to me 3.A man with a cheery face bounded into the room, beaming. 4.A wave of relief flooded over me. 5.I fell into the bed and instantly sank into the world of dreams. 6.Hearing the frustrating news, my spirits sank. 7.A flush of anger and embarrassment spread across his face. 8.Crying with a horrible expression, she slumped into the sofa. 9.“No!” I blurted out, my fists clenched with rage and hatred. 10.They stood up in shock, not knowing what to do. 11.My heart leaped with joy. 12.I ran to her and gave her an enormous hug. 13.This gave me a glimmer of hope that she might adopt me. 14.My aunt exclaimed, her eyes shining like balls of fire. Group4 1. I spent the next few days with my heads in the clouds, overjoyed at my new life. 2. At the mention of him, childhood memories spun through my mind. 3. I shook my head. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. 4. Firing questions at me, they managed to squeeze information out of me. 5. I seeing them together, a chill slid over my body. 6. Judging from his deeds, he is shrewd, greedy and sophisticated. 7. Tears blurred his vision. 8. The mist blurred the edges of the building. 9. Jim arrived, quivering with rage/fury. 10. The moon glimmered faintly through the mists. 11. He deeply/bitterly resents being treated like a child. 12. The gracious lady gave a graceful bow to the audience. 13. He took/grabbed his arm and steered him towards the door . 14. Bathed in sunshine, we strode across the beautiful fields. Group5 1. I stared at the gate and shuddered at the thought of the horrible scene. 2. He looked at me blankly for a few minutes and then exclaimed. 3. “They have just engaged,” Dan cried, beaming/grinning with happiness. 4. I was astonished to find the boy, slumped in the sofa, lost in thought. 5. Hearing the harsh words, my heart sank. 6. “The worm!” I declared with outrage. 7. I bitterly resented him, who always made me furious. 8. Though he’s impulsive (冲动的) and bull-headed, he is still a man of integrity. 9. Seeing Heep hovering nearby, I felt my blood boil. 10. He leapt at the chance. 11. “What a shame!” he said, pretending to sigh. 12. Some people find it difficult to pay a compliment (恭维) directly. Group6 1. I was over the moon/ecstatic [ɪkˈstætɪk] when hearing the news. 2. I was thrown into the depth of despair. 3. Dan’s face clouded over with a dark sheen of fury. 4. I sank down into a chair, completely shattered. 5. “But…but,” I stammered, my head sweating. 6. “Of course it’s my fault,!” I groaned, uncertain what to do.. 7. Gone was the beautiful, passionate young woman I’d

doc文档 【原创精析】2021届高考英语提分必备—读后续写素材精析与积累(二)

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