人教版六年级英语下册 第三单元综合测试卷 一、写出下列单词的过去式。(8 分) 1.fall 2.buy 5.go 6.eat 3.can 4. hurt 4. laugh 5. Lick 二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项 。(10 分) ( )A. orange ( )A. bus B. pear C.fruit B. plane ( )A. Thursday C. mule B.tomorrow C. Sunday [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] ( )A. festival ( )A. horse B. Spring B. Sun C. autumn C. dog 三、选择适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.I A.ride 2.It A.look a bike last night. B.rides C.rode like a ruler! B.looks C.looking 3. did you go with. My parent's. A.How B.When 4.you can't buy C.Who . He's my friend! A.him B. he 5.There lots of dinosaurs many years ago. A.was B.are C.his C.were 四、看图选择最恰当的句子。(8 分) 1. ( ) A.I rode a horse last Saturday. B.We rode bike last weekend. 2. ( ) A.I went camping last month. B.I hurt my foot. 3.( ) A.I took l ots of pictures yesterday. B.He went swimming yesterday. 4.( ) A.The boy bought some gifts last weekend. B. The girl bought some gifts last weekend. 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(12 分) ( go) swimming yesterday? 1.Did you (grape),but we couldn't eat 2.We saw lots of 3.I (fall)off my horse. 4.The idea 5.There (sound)great! (go)the bell. 六、翻译下列句子。(15 分) 1.我们前天去钓鱼了。 2.你们昨天干什么了? 3.我去了森林公园。 4.你上周六去游泳了吗? 5.我昨晚吃了新鲜食物。 七、看图回答问题。(12 分) (they). 1.What did you do there? 2.Did you go to T u r p an? 3.What did he do there? 4. What happened to you? 八、找出错误的一项并改正。(10 分) 1.What do A you do last weekend? B C D 2.He reads A B C ( ) a new film magazine. ( ) D ( ) 3.I watch some children 's shows on TV. A B C D 4. I fell of my bike last night. A B C ( ) D 5.We saw lots of grapes and A B eat lots of mutton kebabs. ( ) C 九、阅读短文判断对(✓)错(×)。(15 分) Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people .Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun we took pictures of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food. In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. So we stayed in the hotel .Dad and I wanted to make her happy .We dressed up and made a funny play .Robi n played the port of a dog .He was so cute. Max liked him so much.He jumped on him and licked him.Of course,Robin didn’t like it . We laughed and laughed. It was a bad day but also a good day! [来源:学.科.网] ( )1.In the afternoon,we rode a bike ( )2.I sat in a basket on the front of of the bike. ( )3.We took pic tures of the beautiful countryside. ( )4.Mum ate some bad fruit and didn't feel. [来源:Z+xx+k.Com] ( )5.Max didn't like dog . 答案 一、 1.fall -fell 2.buy -bought 3.can -could 4. hurt -hurt 5.go-we nt 6.eat-ate 7.laugh-laughed 8.. Lick-licked 二、C C B A B 三、C B C A C 四、A A B B 五、1.went 2,grapes them 3.fell 4.sound 5.goes 六、1.We went fishing the day before yesterday. 2.What d id your do yesterday. 3.I went to a forest park. 4.Did you went swimming last Saturday? 5.I ate some fresh food last night. 七、1.I went rode a bike. 2.Yes, I do. 3.He took pictures of the beautiful countryside. 4.I hurt my food. 八、1. B--did 九、× × √ √ × B--read B--watched C--off A--ate

doc文档 【精品】六年级英语下册 Unit3综合测试卷 (含答案 人教pep)

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