四年级第一学期 Module 1 模块测试卷 Read and write(写出与下列所给词划线部分发音相同的词,每词限填一次)(答 案不唯一) 1. fly ______ 2. blue ______ 3. slide ______ 4. glue ______ 5. green ______ 6. plate ______ 7. clean ______ 8. skate ______ 9. desk ______ 10. post ______ 【答案】1. flower 2. blow 3. slow 4. glove 5. grow 6. plane 7. clown 8. sky 9. mask 10. lost 11. Kitty and Jill ______ going to the park. ( A. am ) B. is C. are 【答案】C 12. He is only o ne year old. He can’t read ______ write. ( A. and B. or ) C. but 【答案】B 13. I’m not full. I’m ______. ( A. hot ) [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] B. hungry C. thirsty 【答案】B 14. — How ______ is your little brother? ( ) — Only two. [来源:Z+xx+k.Com] A. much B. old C. many 【答案】B 15. Ben and Kitty are ______ super. ( A. two ) B. both C. to 【答案】B Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词,每空一词) 16. I’m ______. Let me sit on the sofa. 17. We can’t see the ______ in the sky at night. 18. Supergirl is super. She can ______ very fast and swim very well. 19. It’s a kind of animal. It ______ in the sea. It is clever. It can swim fast. It’s a dolphin. 20. The girl has a new bag. She feels ______. 【答案】16. tired 17. sun 18. run/fly 19. lives 20. happy Read and write(读一读,填上合适的句子,使语段完整)(答案不唯一) 21. — Simon is thirsty. — ______ — A bottle of juice. — ______ — He wants the big one. 22. — ______ [来源:学|科|网] [来源:Zxxk.Com] — What does she want? — ______ [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] — Does she want the cake with berries? — ______ 【答案】21. (1). What does he want? (2). Does he want the big one or the small one? 22. (1). Sus ie is hungry. (2). A cake. (3). Yes, she does./No, she wants the cake with cream. Rewrite the sentences(根据要求改写句子) 23. The little girl likes painting pictures.(改成一般疑问句) ___________________ ______________________ 24. There are some wasps on the crisps.(改成否定句) ___________________________ ______________ 25. My student number is sixteen.(对划线部分提问) _________________________________________ 26. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty.(改为选择疑问句) _________________________________________ 27. bottle, Simon, a, of, orange, large, juice, wants(连词成句) _________________________________________ 【答案】23. Does the little girl like painting pictures? 24. There aren’t any wasps on the crisps. 25. What is your student number? 26. Are you hungry or thirsty? 27. Simon wants a large bottle of orange juice. Read, choose and answer(阅读表格,选择正确答案并回答问题) Fans Forum(歌迷论坛) Fans Maria’s fan Baby Wang Emily Music man Frank Topic: Who’s the better singer, Angela or Maria? I don’t like Angela. I don’t like her voice. Maria is a good singer! Her performance (表演)is amazing(令人惊叹的). I agree! Angela’s voice is no t special(特别的)at all. But Maria’s voice is unique (独特的). I think they’re about the same in singing. I like both of them. I think Angela is a better singer. I prefer her English songs. I agree. Angela’s so ngs are beautiful. 28. Read and choose(选择正确的答案) 1. Emily thinks ______. ( ) A. Angela is a better singer B. Maria is a better singer C. Angela and Maria are both good singers. 2. Maria’s fan thinks ______. ( A. Angela has a good voice ) B. Maria has a good voice C. Maria performs well 3. Baby Wang likes ______. ( ) A. Angela’s voice B. Maria’s voice C. both of the singers’ voices 4. Angela can sing ______ songs. ( A. Chinese B. English ) C. Cantonese(粤语的) 5. Which of the following is no t true? ( ) A. Maria’s fan doesn’t like Angela’s voice. B. Baby Wang thinks Maria’s voice is special. C. Emily doesn’t like Angela’s songs. [来源:学#科#网] D. Frank likes Angela’s songs. 29. Read and answer(回答问题) 1. Who can sing English songs? ______________________________________ 2. Why does Baby Wang like Maria’s songs? [来源:Zxxk.Com] ______________________________________ 3. Does Music man like Maria’s songs? ______________________________________ 4. How is Maria’s performance? __________________________ ____________ [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 5. Who likes Maria’s songs? ______________________________________ 【答案】28. 29. unique. (1). C (2). C (3). B (1). Angela can sing English songs. (3). No, he doesn’t. (4). B (5). C [来源:Zxxk.Com] (2). Baby Wang thinks Maria’s voice is (4). Her performance is amazing. (5). Maria’s fan, Baby Wang and Emily like Maria’s songs. Read and write(根据短文内容填空,每线一词,首字母已给) When you are reading something in E___30__ _, you may often come across a new w__ _31___. What’s the bes t way to know it? You may look it u___32___ in the English-Chinese dictionary(词典). It will tell you a lot a___33___ the word: the pronunciation(发音), the part of speech(词性)

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