专题 10 透过语境巧记高考英语 3500 词(19-20) 第十九篇 Communication And Showing Feelings People communicate and express feelings using spoken and unspoken languages. Not all cultures greet each other the same way. Last week, representing our company’s association, Lily and I went to the Capital International Airport to meet Tom, an employee with high rank from Colombia. We would take him first to his dormitory and then to the canteen after his flight arrived. After a while, we saw a tall man in the crowd, who is Tom, looking around curiously. We approached to greet him, but he dashed to hug Lily and kissed her on the cheek. Lily stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. Judging from Tom’s false smile, he felt truly embarrassed and lost face. At the same time,Lily didn’t feel at ease with surprised expression. I thought it must be a major misunderstanding. In some countries, while meeting each other, adults are more likely to hug and kiss cheeks, while in others people don’t. It was cultural crossroads that causes such misunderstanding. Later, Tom sent Lily a cassette to apologize to lily, Lily also understand him. Different facial expressions and postures have different functions, for example, frowning expresses unhappiness, yawning shows no interest, turning back to someone stands for anger and shaking fist means that someone is angry and threatening another person. These unspoken statements are common in daily life. Based on each culture, being respectful to people is subjective. In order to avoid being misunderstood in social society, it is necessary for us to learn more about culture of other countries. 译文: 交流和表达情感 人们使用口语和非口语交流和表达情感。并非所有的文化都是以同样的方式问候。 上周,代表我们公司的社团, 丽丽和我去首都国际机场接来自哥伦比亚的高级雇员汤姆。他的航班到达之 后,我们先带他去宿舍,然后去食堂。过了一会,我们看到了人群中一个高大的男人,他是 Tom, 正在好 奇地四处张望。我们走上前问候他,但是他冲过来拥抱丽丽并亲吻她的脸颊。 丽丽往后退,显得很惊讶 并且举起手仿佛在防御。从 Tom 假的微笑判断,他真的感到尴尬和没面子。同时,丽丽带有惊讶的表情 感到不舒适。我想这一定是一个主要的误会。在一些国家,当见面时,成年人更可能拥抱并亲吻脸颊,而 在其他一些国家,人们不这样做。 就是文化交叉造成了这样的误会。后来汤姆给丽丽寄来一盒磁带向她道 歉,丽丽也理解了他。 不同的面部表情和姿势有不同的功能,例如,皱眉表示不开心,打哈欠显示不感兴趣,背对着别人代 表生气,挥舞拳头意味着某个人愤怒并威胁另一个人。这些非口语的陈述在日常生活中是常见的。 以每个文化为基础,对人们的尊敬是客观的。 为了避免被误解在这个社交的社会,我们有必要更多的了解 其他国家的文化。 高考词汇每日测 第十九天(必修四 unit4) 1. porridge 21.simply 41.yawn 2. drunk 22.spoken 42.respectful 3. statement 23.unspoken 43.subjective 4. greet 24.posture 44.hug 5. represent 25.likely 45.rank 6. association 26.be likely to 7. dormitory 27.in general 8. canteen 28.crossroads 9. flight 29.employee 10. curious 30.frown 11. curiously 31.misread 12. approach 32.facial 13. cheek 33.function 14. defend 34.ease 15. defend...against 46.cassette 35.at ease 16. defence 36.truly 17. major 37.false 18. misunderstand 38.lose face 19. dash 39.turn one’s back to 20. adult 40.fist 第十九篇同步练习 一、单句语法填空 1. (misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience. 2. As a matter of fact, China is proud of its culture but also curious 3. I burst into other ones. (angry) when he didn’t give me a reasonable explanation for his absence. 4. Shandong Province produced 50 million pounds of apples this year, (rank) second in China. 5. On National Day, Tian’anmen Square looks even beautiful 6. The clerk greeted James and his wife 7. all lights on. a smile when they came into the bank. General, animals use their claws to catch prey, climb trees and defend themselves. 8. I am convinced that the exhibition is organized by the school in (associate) with local artists. 9. Marie Curie became the first person in chemistry. She is not likely (award) a second Nobel Prize in 1911, this time (attend) the party tonight because her mother is in hospital. 二、单句改错 1. Leave the less important things until tomorrow is often acceptable. 2. The machine was functioned badly the other day, so it is being repaired now. 3. Curious enough, the same thing happened again a year later exactly. 4. My sister is in Peking University, major in English literature. 5. The best approach to build up your body is to do exercise every day. 三、语法填空 People communicate and express feelings using spoken and unspoken languages. Not all cultures greet each other the same way. Last week, ___1____(represent) our company’s association, Lily and I went to the Capital International Airport to meet Tom,___2___ employee with high rank from Colombia. We would take him first to his dormitory and then to the canteen after his__3___( fly)arrived. After a while, we saw a tall man in the crowd, who is Tom,___4__( look) ar

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