广州教科版五年级上册周测 第 2 讲(含答案) 一、单项选择。 ( ( )1. Mary ___________ to school on foot ____________. A. goes, on weekdays B. go, on weekday C. goes, in weekdays D. go, on weekdays )2. I ___________ drink coffee. I don’t like coffee. A. often ( B. usually B. wants to playing C. wants to play ( D. always )3. My brother ________ _______ ______ basketball. A. want to play ( C. never [来源: Z§xx§k.Com ] D. wants to plays )4. Lily has _______. She likes them very much. A. two pair of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pairs of shoes D. two pairs shoes )5. This book _________ Tim’s. Look! His name is on the book’s cover. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] A. can’t be ( B. may be D. must be )6. --- Must I do my homework at once? --- No, you ________. A. needn’t ( C. mustn’t be )7. --- B. mustn’t Danny C. can’t ________ be D. may not in the classroom, I think. --- No, he ________ be in the classroom. Look! He is playing in the playground. A. can, may not ( B. must, may not C. may, can’t D. may, mustn’t )8. We ________ clean our hands before eating. That is healthy for us. A. can B. may C. mustn’t D. should 二、从括号内选择正确的动词形式,补全句子。 9. Amy wants _______ (go, to go) fishing on Saturday. 10. I ______ (is, am, are) in Grade 5 this year. [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] 11. Can you go _______ (boat, boating) with me? 12. I want to drink a cup of ______ (tea, teas). 13. My mother and I usually _____ (go, goes) shopping toget her. 14. They _______ (look for, find) the cat everywhere, but they can’t _______(look for, f ind) it. 三、用词的适当形式填空。 15. _______ (not close) the door, please. 16. The sign means “No ________ (climb).” 17. --- Where ____________ they usually _________ (read)? --- In the library. 18. Tom’s sisters have three ________ (box) of toys. 19. Everyone ________ (have) his secret. 20. We want to go ________ (play) music after school. 四、阅读理解,判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,如符合,在括号内 写”T”, 否则写“F”。 Dick is a ten-year-old boy from the UK. Dick’s hobby is drawing. He likes drawing beautiful birds. He often goes to the zoo to see different( 不同的)birds on Saturday and Sunday. And he draws them very well. In his room, there are many drawings on the wall. There are about one hundred and thirty-eight pictures in his room. Dicks sister Lily likes playing music. His parents like reading books. It's Saturday evening now, Dick is drawing, Lily is playing the piano(钢琴), and his parents are reading on the sofa. They are happy. ( )1. Dick is ten years old and he is an English boy. ( )2. Dick is good at drawing birds. ( )3. Dick has 148 pictures in his room. ( )4.Dicks sister cant play the piano. ( )5. There are four people in Dicks family. 答案解析: [来源 :学科 网 ZXXK] 一、1.Mary 是第三人称单数主语,动词用三单形式 goes;on weekdays 是固 定搭配。故答案选 A。 2.根据 I don’t like coffee 可以推断出我从不喝咖啡,选择 never。故答案选 C。 [来源:学,科,网] 3.My brother 是 第 三 人 称 单 数 主 语 , 动 词 用 三 单 形 式 wants ; 想 要 做 某 事 want to do sth.。故答案选 C。 4.单位量词的使用,结构为:数词 +单位词+ of +名词,排除 D。当数词大于 1 时,单位词要变复数,故排除 A。of 后名词为可数名词复数或不可数名词, shoe 为可数名词,应该为 shoes,故排除 B。 5.关键句是“His name is on the book’s cover.” 意思是他的名字在书的封面,故 答案选 D。 6.must 问,否定回答用 needn’t,故答案选 A。 7.关键句是“Look! He is playing in the playground.” 根据语境,他不可能在课 室,can’t be 表示不可能是,故答案选 C。 8.关键句是“clean our hands before eating.” 根据语境,我们应该饭前洗手,可 知答案选 D。 二、9.want to do sth.是固定搭配,所以 want 后面的动词用 to go。 10.主语是 I,对应的 be 动词是 am。 11.去做某事,go+V-ing 12.tea 是不可数名词,无复数形式。 13.关键词是 usually,表示句子是一般现在时,主语 My mother and I 指两个 人,非第三人称单数,所以动词用原形 go。 14.look for 寻找,强调寻找的过程;find 找到,强调的是结果。该题句子翻 译为“他们四处寻找这只猫,但是没有找到”。 三、15.祈使句否定形式:Don’t + 动词原形,所以这里用 Don’t close。 16.祈使句否定形式:No+ V-ing,climb 要变为 climbing。 17.答案解析: 根据关键词 usually 可知时态是一般现在时。这个句子第一个动词是 read 实 义动词,无 be 无情请求助。主语是 they,求助 do,后面加动词原形,read。 18.单位词前数词大于 1 时,单位词需要变复数。 19.主语 everyone 三单,后跟动词三单形式。 20.去做某事,go+ V-ing。 四、1. T 2.T 3. F 4. F 5.T

doc文档 英语广州教科版五年级上册周测 第2讲(含答案)

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